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dc.contributor.authorAlverin, Lidya Elisabeth
dc.description.abstractThe issue of gender in Indonesia became a frequently discussed topic lately. Indonesia as a developing country, could be said not have the same gender awareness as in developed countries. More get in rurals, what visible is a worsening gender relations, particularly in coastal environments which is influenced by sex in the division of roles. Although sex was the most influence, women’s involvement in the search of living is still high. The involvement of these women dominate the capture fishery processing unit. The potential of capture fisheries in Blanakan are very high. Fisheries product processing in Blanakan majority done by women for the purpose of making a living in addition to their families. Reproductive and productive roles which has done by women, often put women in a position more burdened than men. Reproductive and productive roles that has combined with social roles, made women have a triple role burden. Despite the important women’s role, what is seen in Blanakan women still subordinated, including in fishery processing industry. Development some high-based gender programs is very important in this region. The purposes of this study are 1) to determine the influence of individual factors, manifestation of gender inequality, and institutional factors related to the role of women fishers in fisheries product processing, 2) analyzing gender relations in fisheries product processing in Blanakan, 3) generate alternatives that can be done to be more gender equal on fisheries product processing. Research site was in Blanakan village and respondents were women and men labours in the fishery processing units. Blanakan was chosen as one of the largest fish suplliers in Weest Java, so that the intensity of the women’s involvement is also high. The research approach was conducted using case studies and qualitative approach with a direct interview to the respondent. The population in this study were 137 people and taken as much 59 people by using Slovin’s formula. Data ere analyzed using quantitative and qualitative analysis. The results of quantitative analyzing using SPSS for Windows version 17.0, are: 1) on individual factors there is only one variable that has a significant relationship, namely the relationship between education and access to resources, 2) the manifestations of gender inequality factors, there are two variables that have a significant relationship, namely the relationship between stereotypes with access to resources and workload to access resources, 3) the factors relevant institutions at all there are no variables that have a significant relationship. Before being used for research, questionnaire was tested in Muara Angke with validity and reliability test.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleRelasi Gender Dalam Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Tangkap Di Pesisir Desa Blanakan, Kecamatan Blanakan, Kabupaten Subang, Provinsi Jawa Baraten

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