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dc.contributor.authorPertiwi, Hardiyanti Dharma
dc.description.abstractThis research has 2 objectives, namely to investigate impacts of coal mining company’s on social-economics and ecological;secondly to analyze common attitude towards impacts of coal mining company’s social-economics and ecological. Methods of this reserach is case study research by qualitative and quantitative approach. Qualitative methode was done by direct interview, in which quantitative method was done by survey. Productive age local community in north sempaja utara area is this subject of research. Number of sample which is taken is 50 respondent by using simple random sampling technique, however the number of informan on this research is unlimited. Result of this research is coal mining company’s operation bring impacts on ecological, social, and economics condition in samarinda city in general and north sempaja utara area in specific. Since the operation of coal mining company the enviromental quality was decreased gradually.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDampak Keberadaan Perusahaan Pertambangan Terhadap Ekologi, Sosial- Ekonomi Masyarakat di Era Otonomi Daerah (Kasus Kelurahan Sempaja Utara, Kecamatan Samarinda Utara, Kota Samarinda)en

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