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dc.contributor.authorSulton, Ali
dc.description.abstractMining activities is a natural resource mining dredging activities of contained in the soil. This mining activities in its implementation will give positive and negative impact on sosio-economic and sosio-ecological aspect for the local community. The purpose of this study is 1) to explain the sosio-economic impacts of mining activities and 2) to explain the sosio-ecological impacts of mining activities. This research metode uses a quantitative approach supported by the use of qualitative approach. Primary data obtained from the interviews and questionnaires, while secondary data obtained from the documentation and study of literature. The data generated using of cross tabulation and frequency tables and descriptive analysis. The selection of respondents using of cluster sampling techniques to select two different village is Kampung Joglo and Kampung Gunung Cabe. The choice of location is based on mining the large number of industrial plants to see an impact on the agricultural sector. The result of this research showed that in general, in Kampung Joglo and Kampung Gunung Cabe, mining activities gives a negative impacts on socio-economic and sosio-ecological aspects. On sosio-economic aspect are seen in the declining level of the employment in agriculture due to the limited area of agricultural land owned by the local community. Meanwhile, the level of non-agricultural employment opportunities have increased in line with the opening of employment opportunities in the mining sector. The occurens conflicts between local communities with the company caused by the changes of environmental conditions. On sosio-ecological aspect is the occurens changes of the air, a disturbance on the condition of water resources, noise pollution is caused by blasting activities and mineral transport trucks. In addition, still many community members who suffers from respiratory tract such as shortness of breath, caugh, colds and diarrhea.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDampak aktivitas pertambangan bahan galian golongan c terhadap kondisi kehidupan masyarakat desa (analisis sosio-ekonomi dan sosio-ekologi masyarakat Desa Cipinang, Kecamatan Rumpin, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat)en

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