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dc.contributor.advisorHerawati, Lidy
dc.contributor.authorMarpaung, Corry Adelina
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this experiment was to determine the physical characteristic of corn plant waste after formed as a biscuit and evaluate the digestibility of the diet given to sheep based on field grass and corn plant waste. The experimental design used by Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were : R1 (100% field grass); R2 (50% field grass + 50% corn leaf); R3 (100% corn leaf); and R4 (50% corn leaf + 50% corn husk). Consentrate was also given to sheep to fulfill its nutrient requirement. The results were subjected to ANOVA and Duncan Test, correlation among the variables was determined by linier regretion technique (Steel and Torrie, 1993). Biscuit variables measured were density (loose bulk density and tapped bulk density), particle size (average particle size and median particle size). Feed digestibility evaluation were dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, NDF, ADF and crude protein. Average particle size (D) was about 447.71-669.64 μm and median particle size (D50) was about 206.08-321.29 μm. Modulus of fineness (MF) was about 2.10-2.68 and modulus of uniformity (MU) was variated; R1= 0:3:7 ; R2=R4= 0:5:5 and R3= 0:6:4. Loose bulk density (LBD) of the biscuits ranged about 173-225 kg/m3 and tapped bulk density (TBD) ranged about 185-239 kg/m3. According to the particle size which was determined on modulus of fineness (MF), all of the biscuits were defined as “fine” particle. Results showed that biscuits formula had gave very significant effect (P<0.01) on Density (LBD and TBD) and particle size (D and D50). Negative correlation was shown by the equation y= 0.3146-0.0002x, r= 75.47 % between average particle size (D) and LBD. The results of digestibility test indicated that the treatments had gave very significant effect (P<0.01) on dry matter digestibility, neutral detergent fibre digestibility, and acid detergent fibre digestibility, but gave no significant effect on organic matter digestibility, crude fiber digestibility, and crude protein digestibility.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleUji Sifat Fisik Dan Evaluasi Kecernaan Biskuit Berbasis Rumput Lapang Dan Limbah Tanaman Jagung Pada Dombaen

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