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dc.contributor.authorDarmansah, Muhammad Aris
dc.description.abstractLobster rearing is usually carried out an aquarium. Rearing tank has a different environmental characteristics compared with the aquarium so leads to divergence productivity of both rearing receptacles. This research aims at obtain an optimum productivity of rearing lobster in the tank. Lobster average length of 3,15+0,22 cm or average weight of 0,794+0,19 gram are kept on the vessels measuring of 200x150x50 cm at densities of 100, 125, 150, and 175 fish/m2. During the rearing, the lobsters were fed pellet, oligochaeta, carrot, and water quality managed through siphoning and water exchange. Result of the experiment showed that the stocking density had no significant effects on survival, daily growth rate, and growth in absolute length (p> 0,05). The results showed that 125 fish/m2 produces the best economic performance.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectstocking densityen
dc.subjectsurvival rateen
dc.subjectspecific growth of rateen
dc.subjectgrowth of absolute lengthen
dc.subjectefficiency of economicen
dc.titlePertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup lobster air tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus) pada pendederan di dalam bak dengan padat penebaran 100 hingga 175 ekor/m2en

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