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dc.contributor.authorWicaksono, Ikhsan Pratama
dc.description.abstractThis research shows that social movement frame in GPSEA Indonesia consist of : (1)aggregate frame, through this frame GPSEA want to make the people of Southeast Asia realize that climate change is a big problem, especially in Indonesia, this problem caused by two sector, forest and energy (coal);(2)consensus frame, through this frame GPSEA want to make people of Southeast Asia realize that, the climate change can make people suffers, and carry on external costs of coal as a burden;(3)collective action frame, through this frame we can see the injustice condition that caused by the chain of custody (coal’s journey from the ground to the waste heap) on injustice frame, agency frame in GPSEA define that the supporter and the anti-coal coalition as the source of organization power and the government as a party who has no commitment and good will to solve all problem especially energy on ageny frame, and last, the identity frame, GPSEA see them self as independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace that use creative confrontation. The collective identity attached to the members of the Greenpeace campaigners, DDC members, volunteers, student members of the GPU and new media division is a result of the interaction as well as their interpretation of the frames of social movements in the form of a book of communication media, actions, and attributes of clothes contains values of the organization's culture NGO Greenpeace Southeast Asia. Interpretation and interaction of the communication media that contains the frames of social movements of anti-coal allows them to put an event in the minds of each member, felt the same anxiety, identifying the background with the emergence of agitation against the use of coal to the appropriate solution, and label the related parties in it, so that formed a collective identity among its members. The difference between a collective identity with others also due to the activist history of each member and the intensity of interaction with members of the organization's communications media. Although there are differences between a collective identity with other members, coal framing in this organization can be said to succeed, because there is a change some or all members of the collective identity of the respondents of this research. In addition, Greenpeace as a NGOs has succeed to framing their members, it is based on the ideas or arguments they put on the environmental conditions of Indonesia, especially in the context of coal issues, despite the arguments that they express are not always be the same that these NGOs want to build. Key Words : new social movement, framing, collective identityid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis framing (pembingkaian) dalam gerakan lingkungan hidupid

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