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dc.contributor.authorKusumah, Fenita Ayu
dc.description.abstractMegaswara TV has known well as the only local television in Bogor. The purpose of this research is to describe the motivation for people to watch Megaswara TV programs and the factors that influence it, finding corelation between motivation and people behaviour in watching the Megaswara TV programs, to describe the people behaviour in watching the Megaswara TV programs and the factors that influence it, and to describe judgement from people who watch the program in Megaswara TV. This research held in two places, one held in Bojong Rangkas village RW 01, Ciampea subdistrict and the other one held in Tegal Gundi village RW 17,Nort Bogor subdistrict, West Java Province. This research using quantitative methode and support by qualitative data. This research give us some results that shown some correlations between several factor which affect people to watch Megaswara TV, these correlation are between level of education with the information motivation, between etnic with personal identity motivation, between family influence with integration and social interaction motivation, between integration and social interaction motivation with the frequency and how long can people watch the show, between entertainment motivation with integration and social interaction motivation, between personal identity motivation with the frequency and how long can people watch the show, between information motivation with how long can people watch the show, between age with watching frequency to fill personal identity needs, between education level with show option and watching duration to fill personal identity needs, between etnic with show option to fill personal identity needs, between age with watching frequency to fill integration and social interaction needs, between education level with show option to fill entertainment needs, between age with watching frequency to fill entertainment needs, between hometown with integration and soial interaction motivation, between hometown with watching frequency to fill entertaiment needs. It is more likely to say that most correspondend have a good judgement for the Megaswara TV shows, not just for the show it self, but the local content, the presenter, the quality of the broadcast, the broadcast time, the benefits, and the actual effects get good credits from most correspondend. Keywords: local television, tv watching behaviour, tv watching motivationid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleMotivasi dan Perilaku Menonton serta Penilaian Khalayak Terhadap Program Acara Televisi Lokal (Kasus Pemirsa Megaswara TV di RW 01 Kelurahan Bojong Rangkas, Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor dan RW 17 Kelurahan Tegal Gundil Kecamatan Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor)id

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