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dc.contributor.advisorNurhidayati, Vieta Annisa
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Ildha Moelana
dc.description.abstractVitamin A memiliki peran penting dalam tubuh terutama sistem imunitas agar tubuh dapat terhindar dari berbagai infeksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan karakteristik sosial demografis, pengetahuan serta sikap ibu nifas terhadap kepatuhan konsumsi vitamin A di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kedung Badak. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu cross-sectional dengan responden 32 orang dengan metode sampel jenuh. Responden sebagian besar berusia 20-35 tahun, dengan tingkat pendidikan SMA 13 orang (40.6%), pendidikan SMP 10 orang (31,3%), pendidikan SD 5 orang (15,6%), dan pendidikan perguruan tinggi 4 orang (12,5%). Responden sebagian besar berperan sebagai ibu rumah tangga 15 orang (46,8%). Pengetahuan ibu nifas dengan kategori baik terdapat 10 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan pengetahuan ibu nifas terhadap kepatuhan mengonsumsi vitamin A (p = 0,029) dan terdapat hubungan signifikan sikap ibu nifas terhadap kepatuhan konsumsi vitamin A (p = 0,039).
dc.description.abstractVitamin A plays an important role in the body, especially the immune system, so that the body can avoid various infections. This study aims to analyze the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge and attitudes of postpartum mothers towards compliance with vitamin A consumption in the Kedung Badak Health Center Work Area. The research design used was cross-sectional with 32 respondents using the saturated sample method. Most respondents were aged 20-35 years, with 13 high school education (40.6%), 10 junior high school education (31.3%), 5 elementary school education (15.6%), and 4 college education (12.5%). Most respondents act as housewives, 15 people (46.8%). The knowledge of postpartum mothers in the good category was 10 people. The results of the study showed that there was a significant relationship between postpartum mothers' knowledge and compliance with consuming vitamin A (p = 0.029) and there was a significant relationship between postpartum mothers' attitudes and compliance with consuming vitamin A (p = 0.039).
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleHubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Nifas Terhadap Kepatuhan Konsumsi Vitamin A di Puskesmas Kedung Badakid
dc.title.alternativeKnowledge and Attitudes of Postpartum Mothers towards Compliance with Vitamin A Consumption at the Kedung Badak Community Health Center
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordVitamin Aid
dc.subject.keywordpostpartum motherid

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