dc.contributor.advisor | Darmawati, Emmy | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Wulandani, Dyah | |
dc.contributor.author | Ulya, Kamila Nikmatul | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-07-26T03:09:25Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-07-26T03:09:25Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2024 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/154849 | |
dc.description.abstract | Bunga telang merupakan bunga asli dari Ternate, Indonesia yang memiliki kandungan antioksidan dan warna yang menarik sehingga banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai edible flowers atau bunga yang dikonsumsi. Selain dikonsumsi secara segar, bunga telang biasanya dijadikan sebagai dekorasi kue, pudding, dan salad. Bunga telang merupakan produk perishable sehingga mudah rusak. Faktor utama kerusakan bunga telang yaitu perubahan suhu selama penyimpanan. Suhu yang tinggi selama transportasi menyebabkan
proses metabolisme bunga telang meningkat. Hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi mutu
bunga seperti perubahan warna, layu, dan busuk. Teknologi pengemasan distribusi dan
penyimpanan suhu rendah sudah banyak dikembangkan untuk buah dan sayur, tetapi belum
banyak dilakukan untuk florikultura seperti edible flowers.
Styrofoam dan insulated box merupakan bahan kemasan distribusi yang sering
digunakan untuk mempertahankan suhu produk selama transportasi. Meskipun sudah
banyak digunakan sebagai kemasan distribusi, tetapi belum banyak penelitian yang
membuktikan pengaruhnya dalam mempertahankan mutu edible flowers. Penambahan ice
gel ke dalam kemasan distribusi sebagai media pendingin dapat menjaga suhu edible
flowers sehingga dapat menurunkan tingkat kerusakan fisiologis produk sehingga mutu
edible flowers dapat terjaga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menentukan posisi ice
gel sebagai media pendingin di dalam kemasan distribusi dan mengkaji pengaruh jenis
kemasan distribusi berupa styrofoam box dan insulated box terhadap mutu bunga telang.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Teknik Pengolahan Pangan Hasil Pertanian
(TPPHP) Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut
Pertanian Bogor. Penelitian terdiri dari pra penelitian pendahulan yang dilaksanakan pada
bulan Juni hingga Agustus tahun 2023, sedangkan penelitian utama dilaksanakan pada
bulan September hingga November tahun 2023. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk
menentukan posisi ice gel terbaik. Penelitian pendahuluan terdiri dari 6 tahap yaitu
menentukan waktu kritis bunga tanpa perlakuan, menentukan karakteristik ice gel,
menentukan kebutuhan ice gel, menentukan dimensi kemasan distribusi, menentukan
posisi ice gel dalam kemasan distribusi, dan mengukur sebaran suhu tanpa beban.
Penelitian utama dilakukan untuk mengamati parameter mutu bunga telang pada
penyimpanan suhu 10 oC. Parameter mutu yang diamati yaitu susut bobot, kadar air, warna,
uji TPC, dan uji organoleptik (kesegaran, warna, dan aroma) yang dilakukan pasca simulasi
transportasi yaitu selama penyimpanan 7 hari. Suhu bunga telang juga diukur selama
simulasi 2 jam dan selama penyimpanan. Bunga telang yang sudah dipanen diletakkan di
dalam thinwall dengan dimensi sebesar 17,5×12×4 cm lalu disimpan dalam refrigerator
pada suhu 10 oC selama 3 jam. Setelah itu, bunga telang dimasukkan ke dalam kemasan
distribusi yang telah diberi ice gel lalu dilakukan simulasi transportasi. Simulasi
transportasi dilakukan selama 2 jam dengan nilai amplitudo rata-rata sebesar 3,006 cm dan
nilai frekuensi rata-rata sebesar 4,26 Hz yang setara dengan jarak tempuh sebesar 103,9
km di jalan luar kota dengan kecepatan 60 km/jam. Setelah simulasi, bunga telang diamati
parameter mutunya sebagai hari ke-0, kemudian thinwall berisi bunga telang disimpan di
dalam lemari pendingin dengan suhu sebesar 10 oC, lalu diamati parameter mutunya selama
7 hari.
Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu bunga telang memiliki waktu kritis selama 18 jam yang
artinya bunga telang tanpa perlakuan dapat mempertahankan kesegarannya selama 18 jam
di suhu ruang. Ice gel yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah ice gel bening dengan dimensi
repack sebesar 8×12×0,5 cm dengan suhu beku sebesar -9,4 °C dan suhu leleh -0,2 °C.
Kebutuhan ice gel diperoleh dari besarnya beban panas yang dilepas dibagi dengan
besarnya panas yang diserap ice gel. Beban panas yang dilepas yaitu beban panas dari
kemasan, beban panas dari bunga telang, dan beban panas dari respirasi bunga telang. Ice
gel yang digunakan sebanyak 6 buah dirancang untuk mendinginkan bunga telang
sebanyak 100 kuntum dengan berat total ± 36 gram tiap kemasan distribusi selama 2 jam.
Total beban panas yang dilepas styrofoam box sebesar 2,659 W, total beban panas yang
dilepas insulated box sebesar 2,856 W, beban panas yang dilepas bunga telang sebesar
0,0112 W, beban panas yang dilepas dari respirasi bunga telang sebesar 0,00045 W, dan
total beban yang diserap ice gel sebesar 57,113 W. Total kebutuhan ice gel pada kemasan
styrofoam box yaitu sebanyak 47 gram dengan tiap ice gel repack seberat 7,7 gram,
sedangkan kebutuhan ice gel pada kemasan insulated box yaitu sebanyak 50 gram dengan
tiap ice gel repack seberat 8,3 gram. Penentuan dimensi kemasan distribusi didasarkan pada
dimensi thinwall dan dimensi ice gel. Kemasan distribusi styrofoam box memiliki dimensi
sebesar 27×20,5×10,5 cm, sedangkan insulated box memiliki dimensi sebesar
26,2×19,7×9,7 cm.
Penentuan posisi ice gel terbaik didasarkan pada kecepatan persebaran suhu ruang
kemasan dan lama ice gel mempertahankan suhu terendah dalam kemasan. Berdasarkan
hasil yang diperoleh, suhu terendah yang dicapai di dalam styrofoam box dengan ice gel
posisi 1 yaitu 10,3 oC (styrofoam box) dan 10,5 oC (insulated box). Suhu terendah yang
dicapai dengan ice gel posisi 2 yaitu sebesar 10,1 oC (styrofoam box) dan 10,5 oC (insulated
box). Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai suhu terendah tersebut yaitu selama 70 menit
pada styrofoam box dengan ice gel posisi 2 dan selama 80 menit pada insulated box dengan
ice gel posisi 2, sedangkan ice gel posisi 1 membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama yaitu 90
menit pada kedua kemasan. Ice gel pada posisi 1 mampu mempertahankan suhu terendah
selama 100 menit pada styrofoam box dan insulated box, sedangkan ice gel posisi 2 mampu
mempertahankan suhu lebih lama yaitu 110 menit pada kedua kemasan. Ice gel repack
mencair keseluruhan selama 220 menit pada posisi 1 dan 2 dalam kedua kemasan distribusi.
Pemberian ice gel posisi 2 mampu menurunkan suhu ruang di dalam kemasan lebih
cepat dan mampu mempertahankan suhu terendah di dalam kemasan lebih lama daripada
ice gel posisi 1. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka ice gel dengan posisi 2 dipilih untuk
diaplikasikan ke dalam kemasan distribusi. Bunga telang setelah panen memiliki suhu
sebesar ± 28,7 oC. Setelah panen, bunga tiba di laboratorium dan disimpan pada suhu 10
oC di dalam refrigerator selama 3 jam. Setelah disimpan di refrigerator, suhu bunga telang
berubah menjadi ± 20 oC. Selama 2 jam masa transportasi, terjadi perubahan suhu bunga.
Perlakuan A1B1 mengalami peningkatan suhu rata-rata dari 20 0C menjadi 29,3 oC,
sedangkan perlakuan A2B1 mengalami peningkatan suhu rata-rata dari 20 oC menjadi 30,5
oC. Selain itu, juga terjadi penurunan suhu bunga yaitu pada perlakuan A1B2 dari 20 oC
menjadi 10,7 oC, sedangkan perlakuan A2B2 mengalami penurunan suhu rata-rata dari 20
oC menjadi 11 oC.
Perlakuan jenis kemasan (A) dan pemberian ice gel (B) berpengaruh sangat
signifikan terhadap parameter mutu bunga telang dengan (P-value < 0,05). Jenis kemasan
menggunakan styrofoam box (A1) dengan pemberian ice gel (B2) memberikan hasil yang
lebih baik terhadap parameter mutu bunga telang. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari hasil
pengamatan bahwa perlakuan tersebut dapat menekan kenaikan susut bobot,
mempertahankan kadar air, dan menekan perubahan warna selama penyimpanan 7 hari.
Selain itu, perlakuan tersebut dapat menurunkan nilai TPC daripada perlakuan yang lain.
Berdasarkan uji organoleptik, penilaian tertinggi oleh panelis juga dihasilkan pada
perlakuan A1B2. | |
dc.description.abstract | Butterfly pea is native flowers from Ternate, Indonesia which contain antioxidants and attractive colors. They are widely used as edible flowers or flowers consumed. Besides
being consumed freshly, butterfly pea is usually used as cake decorations, puddings, and
salads. Butterfly pea is a perishable product so it is easily damaged. The main factor of the
damage is temperature changes during storage. High temperatures during storage cause the
metabolic processes. This can affect the quality of flowers such as discoloration, wilting,
and dehydration. Cold-packaging with low temperature technology has been widely
developed for fruits and vegetables, but not much has been done for floriculture such as
edible flowers.
Styrofoam and insulated boxes are distribution packaging materials that are often
used to maintain product temperature during transportation. Although it has been widely
used as distribution packaging, there have not been many studies that prove its effect in
maintaining the quality of edible flowers. Ice gel as a cooling medium can maintain the
temperature of edible flowers to reduce the physiological damage. The purpose of this study
is to determine the position of ice gel as a cooling medium in distribution packaging and
examine the effect of the type of distribution packaging in the styrofoam box and insulated
box on the quality of butterfly pea.
The research was carried out at the Laboratory of Agricultural Food Processing
Engineering (TPPHP) Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, IPB University. The study consisted of preliminary research
conducted from June to August 2023, while the main research was carried out from
September to November 2023. Preliminary research is conducted to determine the best ice
gel position. Preliminary research consists of 6 stages, namely determining the critical time
of flowers without treatment, determining the characteristics of ice gel, determining the
need for ice gel, determining the dimensions of distribution packaging, determining the
position of ice gel in distribution packaging, and determining the distribution of
temperature without loads.
The main research was conducted to observe the quality parameters of butterfly pea
at a storage temperature of 10 oC. The quality parameters observed were weight loss,
moisture content, color, TPC test, and organoleptic test (freshness, color, and aroma)
carried out after transportation simulation, namely during storage of 7 days. Temperature
of butterfly pea was measured during 2 hours of simulation and during storage. Harvested
butterfly pea was placed in thinwall with dimensions of 17,5×12×4 cm and then stored in
a refrigerator at 10 oC for 3 hours. After that, the butterfly pea was put into distribution
packaging that has been given ice gel and then transportation simulations are carried out.
The transportation simulation was carried out for 2 hours with an average amplitude of
3,006 cm and an average frequency of 4,26 Hz which is equivalent to a distance of 103,9
km on an outer city road at a speed of 60 km/hour. After simulation, the butterfly pea was
observed for quality parameters as day 0, then thinwall containing butterfly pea was stored
in a refrigerator at 10 oC, then observed the quality parameters for 7 days.
The result obtained is that the butterfly pea has a critical time of 18 hours, which
means that the butterfly pea without treatment can maintain its freshness for 18 hours at
room temperature. The ice gel used in the study was a clear ice gel with repack dimensions
of 8×12×0,5 cm with a freezing temperature of -9,4 °C and a melting temperature of -0,2
°C. The amount of ice gel is obtained from the amount of heat load released divided by
the amount of heat absorbed by ice gel. The heat load released is the heat load from the
packaging, the heat load from the butterfly pea, and the heat load from the respiration. 6
pieces of ice gel are designed to cool 100 flowers with a total weight of ± 36 grams per
distribution packaging for 2 hours. The total heat load released by the styrofoam box is
2,659 W, the total heat load released by insulated box is 2,856 W, the heat load released
by the flower is 0,0112 W, the heat load released from the respiration of the flower is
0,00045 W, and the total load absorbed by the ice gel is 57,113 W. The total amount of ice
gel in the styrofoam box is 47 grams with each ice gel repack weighs 7,7 grams, while the
amount for ice gel in insulated box is 50 grams with each ice gel repack weighing 8,3
grams. The determination of distribution packaging dimensions is based on thinwall
dimensions and ice gel dimensions. Styrofoam box distribution packaging has dimensions
of 27×20,5×10,5 cm, while insulated box has dimensions of 26,2×19,7×9,7 cm.
The best arrangement of the ice gel is based on the speed of temperature distribution
and the how long the ice gel can maintains the temperature. Based on the results, ice gel in
position 2 has the ability to reduce the temperature faster in the first 10 minutes from the
initial temperature of 26 oC to 15,5 oC (styrofoam box) and to 18,9 oC (insulated box) with
time to maintain temperatures below 0 oC for 140 minutes on the styrofoam box and 120
minutes on insulated box, as well as the time to maintain a temperature below 15 oC for 220
minutes at positions 1 and 2 in both distribution packaging. The lowest temperature
achieved in the styrofoam box with ice gel position 2 is 10 oC and 10,5 oC in the insulated
box. The time needed to reach the lowest temperature is 70 minutes in the styrofoam box
with ice gel position 2 and for 80 minutes in the insulated box with ice gel position 2, while
position 1 takes longer which is 90 minutes.
Based on research that has been done, the arrangement of ice gel is based on the
speed of temperature distribution and how long the ice gel can maintains the temperature
before distribution. Ice gel position 2 was able to reduce the room temperature in the
package faster than ice gel position 1. In addition, ice gel position 1 and position 2 can also
maintain temperatures below 15 oC for the same time for 220 minutes. Based on this, ice
gel with position 2 was chosen to be applied to the distribution packaging. Flowers after
harvesting have a temperature of ± 28,7 oC. After harvesting, the flowers arrived at the
laboratory and stored at 10 oC in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After being stored in the
refrigerator, the temperature of the flower changes to ± 20 oC. During the 2-hour
transportation period, a change in the temperature of the flower occurs. The A1B1
treatment has increased in average temperature from 20 oC to 29,3 oC, while the A2B1
treatment increased in average temperature from 20 oC to 30,5 oC. In addition, there was
also a decrease in flower temperature, namely in A1B2 treatment from 20 oC to 10,7 oC,
while A2B2 treatment decreased in average temperature from 20 oC to 11 oC.
The treatment of packaging type (A) and ice gel (B) have a very significant effect
on the quality parameters of butterfly pea with (P-value < 0,05). This type of packaging
using styrofoam box (A1) with ice gel (B2) gives better results on the quality parameters
of butterfly pea. This can be seen from the observation that the treatment can suppress the
increase in weight loss, maintain moisture content, and suppress color change during
storage 7 days. In addition, this treatment can reduce the value of TPC than other
treatments. Based on organoleptic tests, the highest assessment by panelists was also
generated on the A1B2 treatment. | |
dc.description.sponsorship | Program Bantuan Karya Ilmiah Kepemudaan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (KEMENPORA) tahun 2023 | |
dc.language.iso | id | |
dc.publisher | IPB University | id |
dc.title | Aplikasi Ice Gel pada Kemasan Distribusi Edible Flowers Bunga Telang | id |
dc.title.alternative | Application of Ice Gel For Edible Flowers Distribution Packaging of Butterfly Pea | |
dc.type | Tesis | |
dc.subject.keyword | Bunga telang | id |
dc.subject.keyword | butterfly pea | id |
dc.subject.keyword | edible flowers | id |
dc.subject.keyword | ice gel | id |
dc.subject.keyword | insulated box | id |
dc.subject.keyword | styrofoam box | id |