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dc.contributor.advisorMardiana, Rina
dc.contributor.authorFAUJIA, ANISA
dc.description.abstractEkowisata adat merupakan konsep wisata alam yang juga menawarkan pengalaman budaya yang khas. Namun, terdapat beragam tantangan dalam pengembangannya karena menyangkut pemanfaatan tempat hidup dan nilai budaya masyarakat adat. Oleh karena itu, model tata kelola dengan partisipasi aktif stakeholder multi-sektor dan multi-level termasuk kelembagaan adat menjadi penting. Ekowisata dalam konsepnya berusaha memastikan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan secara lingkungan, layak secara ekonomi dan bertanggung jawab secara sosial budaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi mekanisme kerja stakeholder dan model tata kelola, serta menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat collaborative governance dengan dimensi keberlanjutan pada pengembangan ekowisata adat di Kasepuhan Citorek, Desa Citorek Timur. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif melalui kuesioner dan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara tingkat collaborative governance dengan tingkat keberlanjutan ekologi, sosial-budaya, ekonomi, dan kelembagaan dalam pengembangan ekowisata adat.
dc.description.abstractIndigenous ecotourism is a natural tourism concept that also offers unique cultural experiences. However, there are various challenges in its development because it concerns the use of living places and cultural values of indigenous communities. Therefore, a governance model with the active participation of multi-sector and multi-level stakeholders including indgenous institutions is important. Ecotourism in its concept seeks to ensure development that is environmentally sustainable, economically viable and socially and culturally responsible. This research aims to identify stakeholder working mechanisms and governance model, and analyze the relationship between the level of collaborative governance and the dimensions of sustainability in the development of indigenous ecotourism in Kasepuhan Citorek, East Citorek Village. The approach used is a quantitative through questionnaires and a qualitative through in-depth interviews. The research results show that there is a strong relationship between the level of collaborative governance and the level of ecological, socio-cultural, economic and institutional sustainability in the development of indigenous ecotourism.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleCollaborative Governance dalam Pengembangan Ekowisata Adat di Desa Citorek Timur, Kasepuhan Citorekid
dc.title.alternativeCollaboratove Governance in the Development of Indigenous Ecotourism in East Citorek Village, Kasepuhan Citorek
dc.subject.keywordcollaboratove governanceid
dc.subject.keywordekowisata adatid

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