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dc.contributor.advisorAmanah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorParamitha, Tiara
dc.description.abstractDesa wisata menjadi andalan pembangunan pariwisata di Indonesia. Salah satu desa wisata berbasis Community Based Tourism adalah Desa Wisata Saung Ciburial. Pengelola Desa Wisata Saung Ciburial menggabungkan media komunikasi konvensional dan modern untuk promosi wisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efektivitas komunikasi bisnis dalam pengelolaan Desa Wisata Saung Ciburial. Metode survei dan wawancara digunakan untuk pengumpulan data, kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman dan Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas pengunjung berusia 15-29 tahun dengan etnik Sunda. Efektivitas komunikasi bisnis dapat menentukan kunjungan wisatawan. Jenis kelamin dan etnik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan keputusan berkunjung dan kepuasan wisatawan. Sementara itu, terdapat hubungan sangat nyata antara media komunikasi dan tingkat keterdedahan media dengan efektivitas komunikasi bisnis pengelola Desa Wisata Saung Ciburial.
dc.description.abstractTourist villages are the mainstay of tourism development in Indonesia. One of the tourist villages based on Community Based Tourism is the Saung Ciburial Tourism Village. Saung Ciburial Tourism Village managers combine conventional and modern communication media for tourism promotion. The aim of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of business communication in the management of the Saung Ciburial Tourism Village. Survey and interview methods were used for data collection, then the data were analyzed using the Spearman Rank correlation and Chi-Square tests. The results of this research show that the majority of visitors are aged 15-29 years with Sundanese ethnicity. The effectiveness of business communication can determine tourist visits. Gender and ethnicity have a significant relationship with visiting decisions and tourist satisfaction. Meanwhile, there is a very real relationship between communication media and the level of media exposure and the effectiveness of business communication by the management of the Saung Ciburial Tourism Village.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEfektivitas Komunikasi Bisnis dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Saung Ciburial Desa Sukalaksana Garut, Jawa Baratid
dc.title.alternativeThe Effectiveness of Business Communication in the Management of Saung Ciburial Tourism in Sukalaksana Village Garut, West Java
dc.subject.keywordTourism Villageid
dc.subject.keywordBusiness Communication Effectivenessid
dc.subject.keywordMedia Exposureid
dc.subject.keywordSaung Ciburialid

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