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dc.contributor.advisorPandjaitan, Nurmala Katrina
dc.contributor.authorSaputra, Ilhan Muhti Eka
dc.description.abstractPandemi Covid-19 telah melanda dunia yang membuat perubahan besar di berbagai sektor, tanpa terkecuali sektor pariwisata teritama pedagang kecil yang ada di dalamnya. Pada masa pascapandemi covid-19 seperti ini para pedagang kecil di daerah wisata perlu beradaptasi untuk dapat mempertahankan usahanya. Maka dari itu, tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat peranan modal sosial dan aksi kolektif dalam resiliensi komunitas pedagang kecil di daerah wisata pada masa pascapandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Pancar dengan mengguunakan metode survey melalui kuesioner dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 40 responden secara sensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modal sosial dan aksi kolektif cukup berperan dalam resiliensi komunitas pedagang kecil di daerah wisata. Dengan modal sosial yang pedagang kecil miliki, mereka dapat melakukan aksi kolektif meskipun masih terbatas pada aksi yang berkaitan dengan berdagang saja. Selain itu, saat ini mayoritas pedagang kecil belum dapat resilien dalam hal perekenomian karena keterbatasan modal yang mereka miliki dan sepi nya pengunjung yang datang ke lokasi wisata. Hal tersebut yang membuat mereka belum dapat menciptakan kegiatan ekonomi baru yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world which has made major changes in various sectors, without exception the tourism sector, especially the small traders in it. In the post-Covid-19 pandemic period like this, small traders in tourist areas need to adapt to be able to maintain their business. Therefore, the purpose of this research was conducted to see the role of social capital and collective action in the resilience of small trader communities in tourist areas during the post-Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted in Gunung Pancar Nature Tourism Park using a survey method through questionnaires and in-depth interviews with 40 respondents by census. The results showed that social capital and collective action play a role in the resilience of the small trader community in tourist areas. With the social capital that small traders have, they can take collective action even though it is still limited to actions related to trading only. In addition, currently the majority of small traders have not been able to be resilient in terms of the economy due to the limited capital they have and the lack of visitors who come to tourist sites. This makes them unable to create new economic activities that can improve their
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleModal Sosial, Aksi Kolektif, dan Resiliensi Komunitas Pedagang Kecil di Daerah Wisata Pascapandemi Covid-19id
dc.title.alternativeSocial Capital, Collective Action, and Resilience of Small Trader Communities in Post Covid-19 Pandemic Tourist Areasid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcollective actionid
dc.subject.keywordcommunity resilienceid
dc.subject.keywordsmall tradersid
dc.subject.keywordsocial capitalid

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