Now showing items 1-7 of 7
In Vitro Microrhizome Formation of Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)
(Biopharmaca Research Center IPB, 2011)
The aims of this research were to find the influence of the physical form of media (liquid and solid), composition of media (full and half strength concentration Murashige and Skoog (MS) media), benzylaminopurine (SAP) and ...
Perbanyakan In Vitro dan Induksi Akumulasi Alkaloid pada Tanaman Jeruju (Hydrolea spinosa L.)
(Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia, 2011)
Hydrolea spinosa is one of the potential plant for antimalarial medicine. Local people in South Kalimantan call the plant as jeruju. The alkaloid compound in this plant has antiplasmodial activity. The growth of these ...
Iradiasi Sinar Gamma pada Kalus Lili Oriental cv.’Sorbon’ untuk Menginduksi Keragaman In Vitro
(Perhimpunan Ilmu Pemuliaan Indonesia (PERIPI), 2013)
The variation of lilium cv.sorbon were induced by gamma irradiation. Radiosensitivity of plant to irradiation was different every plants. The objectives of the experiment were to find out the optimum dosis for inducing ...
Identification and Characterization of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Indigenous Goat Milk
(Jurnal Animal Production, 2011-01)
Probiotic lactic acid bacteria play role as functional food and it is very important to know their identification and characterization. The diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Ettawa ...
Ekstrak kasar bangle yang mengandung flavonoid, steroid, dan tanin yang mampu meningkatkan aktivitas lipase mungkin dapat juga meningkatkan aktivitas kolesterol oksidase, seperti halnya dwifungsi daun jati belanda sebagai ...
Pengaruh Bakteri Endofit Terhadap Multiplikasi Tunas dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Pisang Rajabulu (AAB)
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional PERHORTI 2011, 2011-11-22)
This research was conducted to observe the effects association of endophytic bacteria on Rajabulu (AAB) on the ability of PGPR, to promote multiplication and growth during seedling stadium. The first experiment was to study ...
Optimasi Pertumbuhan dan Multiplikasi Lini Klon PLBs Anggrek Spathoglottis plicata Blume Melalui Modifikasi Komposisi Medium MS dan Sitokinin
(Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia, 2011)
This experiment was aimed to obtain the best combination formulations of vitamin and sucrose concentrations of the medium, and the best combination between types of cytokinins and its concentration on inducing the best ...