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dc.contributor.advisorSolihin, Iin
dc.contributor.advisorIskandar, Budhi Hascaryo
dc.contributor.authorFirdaus, Ray Octa
dc.description.abstractCumi-cumi merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan hasil tangkapan laut yang memiliki jumlah produksi tinggi di Indonesia. Cumi-cumi hasil tangkapan tersebut didaratkan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan perikanan. Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Muara Angke merupakan salah satu wilayah sentra pusat pendaratan, produksi dan pemasaran hasil tangkapan ikan di Jakarta. Produksi dan pemasaran cumi-cumi di pelabuhan ini bergantung kepada jumlah pasokan cumi cumi. Salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan supaya pasokan cumi-cumi terjamin yakni rantai pasok komoditas tersebut dapat berjalan dengan baik. Namun demikian persaingan antar Unit Pengolahan Ikan (UPI) di wilayah PPN Muara Angke dalam memenuhi permintaan konsumen membuat pengelolaan rantai pasok cumi-cumi di suatu UPI/Perusahaan belum bisa berjalan dengan optimal. Salah satunya adalah di PT. XYZ. Permasalahan rantai pasok ini menyebabkan jumlah produksi cumi-cumi PT. XYZ PPN Muara Angke berfluktuasi setiap bulannya sementara jumlah permintaan terhadap cumi-cumi meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni 1) Mengidentifikasi struktur rantai pasok dan tingkat ketergantungan pemasok dengan PT. XYZ di PPN Muara Angke. 2) Mengukur kinerja rantai pasok cumi-cumi di PT. XYZ PPN Muara Angke. 3) Merumuskan strategi peningkatan kinerja rantai pasok Cumi-cumi di PT. XYZ PPN Muara Angke. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, metode Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) dan metode strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa 1) Struktur rantai pasok cumi-cumi di PT. XYZ PPN Muara Angke terdiri nelayan, UPI, konsumen. Posisi atau tingkat ketergantungan antara nelayan selaku supplier dengan perusahaan selaku buyer yakni pada posisi supplier dominance, sehingga memerlukan modifikasi hubungan dengan tujuan mendapatkan kontrak kerja sama dengan kelompok nelayan. 2) Atribut kinerja reliability, responsiveness masih di bawah nilai benchmark sedangkan kinerja flexibility sudah mencapai nilai parity, kinerja management cost sudah mencapai nilai superior dan kinerja management asset sudah mencapai nilai parity pada benchmark. 3) dirumuskan 10 strategi untuk peningkatan kinerja rantai pasok cumi-cumi dan didapatkan 3 strategi prioritas terbaik yakni meningkatkan jumlah supply cumi-cumi untuk peningkatan produksi, meningkatkan jumlah pembelian bahan baku cumi-cumi dari nelayan ketika musim penangkapan, disimpan untuk kebutuhan produksi musim sepi penangkapan dan memperluas jaringan pasar
dc.description.abstractSquid is one of the marine fishery commodities that has high production in Indonesia. The caught squid is landed at fishing ports. Muara Angke Perikanan Nusantara Port (PPN) is one of the central areas for landing, production and marketing of fish catches in Jakarta. The production and marketing of squid in PPN Muara Angke depends on the amount of squid supply. One of the factors that must be considered in order to ensure the supply of squid is the commodity's supply chain. To optimize the supply chain process, a good supply chain management system is required. However, competition between Fish Processing Units (UPI) in the PPN Muara Angke area in meeting consumer demand makes squid supply chain management in a UPI / Company unable to run optimally, one of which is at PT. XYZ where the problem causes the amount of squid production of PT. XYZ VAT Muara Angke to fluctuate every month while the amount of demand for squid increases. The objectives of this research are 1) Identify the supply chain structure and the position of supplier dependency level with PT XYZ in PPN Muara Angke. 2) Measuring the performance of the squid supply chain at PT XYZ VAT Muara Angke. 3) Strategies for improving the performance of the squid supply chain at PT XYZ VAT Muara Angke need to be formulated. This research uses descriptive method, Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) method and strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) method. The results of this study found that 1) The structure of the squid supply chain at PT XYZ PPN Muara Angke consists of fishermen, UPI, consumers. The position or level of dependence between fishermen as suppliers and companies as buyers is in the position of supplier dominance, thus requiring relationship modification with the aim of obtaining cooperation contracts with fishermen groups. 2) Performance attributes of reliability, responsiveness are still below the benchmark value while flexibility performance has reached parity value, management cost performance has reached superior value and asset management performance has reached parity value on the benchmark. 3) 10 strategies were formulated to improve squid supply chain performance and the best 3 priority strategies were obtained, namely increasing the amount of squid supply to increase production, increasing the amount of squid raw material purchases from fishermen during the fishing season, storing it for off-season production needs and expanding the export market
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Peningkatan Kinerja Rantai Pasok Cumi-Cumi di PPN Muara Angke (Studi Kasus di PT. XYZ)id
dc.subject.keywordMetode SCORid
dc.subject.keywordPPN Muara Angkeid
dc.subject.keywordRantai Pasokid

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