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dc.contributor.authorMulyawati, Yeni
dc.description.abstractOne of the waste product of ruminant digestive tract is rumen liquid. Rumen liquid is inhabited by microbes. Rumen microbes bind minerals as components for constructing their body. Rumen liquid can be processed into biomineral product; this biomineral product can be protected from rumen degradability by using xylose. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fermentability and the digestibility of the encapsulated biomineral (in vitro). This study was arranged in a factorial Randomized Block Design (3x3) with four replications. The first factor was source of xylose (paper waste, sawdust and hydrolyzed sawdust). The second factor was level of xylose source (2%, 4% and 6% v/v of rumen liquid). The rumen liquid was used as replications. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the differences between treatments were determined by a contrast and polinomial orthogonal. The results showed that the differences in source of xylose affected significantly the degradability of dry matter, the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter (P<0.05), but did not affect the ammonia and VFA concentrations and the degradability of organic matter. The degradability of dry matter, the digestibility of dry matter and the organic matter were significantly higher (P<0.05) in xylose treatment with paper waste than those with sawdust and hydrolyzed sawdust. There were no significant differences in level of xylose source treatments in all variables measured, but the result of polinomial orthogonal showed that the amonia concentration was lower at 4% level of xylose source than those at 2 and 6% level of xylose source. It was concluded that using paper waste at 4% v/v of rumen liquid was the optimum level in protecting biomineral based on its fermentability and digestibility (in vitro).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectpaper wasteid
dc.titleFermentabilitas dan Kecernaan in vitro Biomineral Dienkapsulasiid

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