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dc.contributor.authorRahmasari, Reikha
dc.description.abstractThe Jatropha curcas meal is by product of Jatropha curcas oil production and contain high amount of nutrient (56-68% protein). The problem in using of Jatropha curcas meal as feed is its antinutritive content and toxic compounds such as lectin (curcin) and trypsin inhibitor. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical and biological methods in decreasing or eliminating antinutrient content and to know the change of nutrient content due to processing of Jatropha curcas meal. This research consisted of four treatments : P0 (control, non treated meal), P1 (methanol 90% extraction, with the proportion of meal and methanol was 1:4), P2 (fermentation using Rhizopus oryzae) and P3 (fermentation using Trichoderma viride). The parameters observed were weight loss, trypsin inhibitor, lectin activity and nutrient content. The data were analyzed with descriptive analysis. The results showed that chemical and biological treatments decreased the weight with the values P1 (3.18%), P2 (14.44%) and P3 (3.7%). The results showed that fermentation using Rhizopus oryzae was the most effective in decreasing the activity of trypsin inhibitor (67.95%). However, this treatment decreased protein content (9.39%), increased crude fiber (35.73%) and it did not influence lectin activity. The fermentation using Trichoderma viride was the most effective in degrading lectin activity with the value of 50% compared to the untreated meal. The conclusion of this experiment is that fermentation Jatropha curcas meal using Rhizopus oryzae could decrease the trypsin inhibitor up to 67.95% and the fermentation Jatropha curcas meal using Trichederma viride could decrease lectin activity up to
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectTrichoderma virideid
dc.subjectJatropha curcas mealid
dc.subjectRhizopus oryzaeid
dc.titlePengaruh Perlakuan Kimiawi dan Biologis terhadap Penyusutan Bahan, Kandungan Antitripsin, Lektin dan Nutrien Bungkil Biji Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.)id

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