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dc.contributor.advisorSimanjuntak, Megawati
dc.contributor.advisorSujana, Asep Taryana
dc.contributor.authorAngin, Fini Anjela Perangin
dc.description.abstractAplikasi online food delivery (OFD) saat ini merupakan kebutuhan bagi masyarakat yang memiliki mobilitas dan kesibukan yang tinggi. Kebutuhan akan makanan dengan waktu yang singkat dan mudah didapatkan berdampak pada keinginan untuk terus membeli. Berkembangnya tren ini menyebabkan kompetisi untuk mendapatkan loyalitas konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perbedaan sikap konsumen terhadap promotion, price value, social influence, perceived usefulness, ease of use, customer experience, search of restaurants, variant of food choice, consumer buying behavior, dan continuance intention. Menganalisis pengaruh promotion, price value, social influence, perceived usefulness, ease of use, customer experience, search of restaurants dan variant of food choice terhadap consumer buying behavior dan pengaruh consumer buying behavior terhadap continuance intention. Teknik pengambilan contoh pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode nonprobability sample dengan pendekatan voluntary. Penelitian ini mengambil sejumlah 400 responden sebagai sampel penelitian dengan unit analisis individu. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara online. Analisis dilakukan dengan SEM Lisrel, Uji ANOVA, SWOT serta 4C-Diamond sebagai acuan implikasi manajerial. Penelitian secara online ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Mei 2023 pada konsumen yang menggunakan tiga aplikasi Gofood, Grabfood, dan Shopeefood dalam tiga bulan terakhir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Responden didominasi oleh wanita, pekerjaan sebagai pegawai swasta, status belum menikah dan dominan usia 15-24 tahun. Domisili responden didominasi oleh Pulau Jawa, pendapatan per bulan rata-rata sebesar kurang dari Rp2.000.000 per bulan dan alokasi pengeluaran untuk aplikasi OFD sebesar Rp200.000 hingga Rp500.000 per bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel promotion, social influence, dan ease of use berpengaruh signifikan dengan consumer buying behavior. Namun, variabel ease of use memiliki arah hubungan yang negatif, yang mana apabila ease of use meningkat maka consumer buying behavior mengalami penurunan. Variabel yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap consumer buying behavior adalah price value, perceived usefulness, customer experience, search of restaurants, dan food of choice. Consumer buying behavior memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap continuance intention. Gofood menduduki peringkat popularitas pertama diikuti oleh Grabfood, dan Shopeefood pada peringkat terakhir. Rekomendasi sebagai implikasi manajerial meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen adalah dengan memperluas jangkauan wilayah operasional perusahaan OFD termasuk merchant dan driver. Cara menciptakan ketergantungan dengan memenuhi ekspektasi konsumen, baik dengan memberikan variasi promo, menciptakan pengaruh di lingkungan sekitarnya dengan iklan viral, dan menciptakan situasi ingin membeli pada
dc.description.abstractThe online food delivery (OFD) application is currently a necessity for people who have high mobility and busyness. The need for food in a short time and easily available has an impact on the desire to continue buying. The development of this trend causes competition to gain consumer loyalty. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze differences in consumer attitudes towards promotion, price value, social influence, perceived usefulness, ease of use, customer experience, search of restaurants, variant of food choice, consumer buying behavior, and continuance intention. Analyzing the effect of promotion, price value, social influence, perceived usefulness, ease of use, customer experience, search of restaurants, and variants of food choice on consumer buying behavior and the effect of consumer buying behavior on continuance intention. The sampling technique in this study used a non-probability sample method with a voluntary approach. This study took several 400 respondents as a research sample with individual units of analysis. Data collection is done online. Analysis was carried out using SEM Lisrel, ANOVA, SWOT tests and 4C-Diamond as a reference for managerial implications. This online research was conducted from March to May 2023 among consumers who used three Gofood, Grabfood and Shopeefood applications in the last three months throughout Indonesia. Respondents were dominated by women, work as private employees, single status and dominant age 15-24 years. The domicile of respondents is dominated by Java Island, the average monthly income is less than IDR 2,000,000 per month and the expenditure allocation for OFD applications is IDR 200,000 to IDR 500,000 per month. The results showed that promotion, social influence, and ease of use had a significant effect on consumer buying behavior. However, the variable ease of use has a negative relationship direction, which if ease of use increases then consumer buying behavior decreases. Variables that have no significant effect on consumer buying behavior are price value, perceived usefulness, customer experience, search of restaurants, and food of choice. Consumer buying behavior has a significant influence on continuance intention. Gofood ranked first in popularity followed by Grabfood and Shopeefood in the last place. The recommendation as a managerial implication to increase customer loyalty is to expand the operational area coverage of OFD companies including merchants and drivers. How to create conformity by meeting consumer expectations, whether by providing a variety of promos, creating influence in the surrounding environment with viral ads, and creating a situation of wanting to buy from
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerilaku Pembelian Konsumen Pengguna Aplikasi Online Food Delivery (OFD)id
dc.title.alternativeConsumer Purchasing Behavior of Online Food Delivery (OFD) Application Usersid
dc.subject.keywordConsumer Buying Behaviorid
dc.subject.keywordContinuance Intentionid
dc.subject.keywordOnline Food Delivery (OFD)id
dc.subject.keywordSocial Influenceid

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