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dc.contributor.advisorEvvyernie, Dwierra
dc.contributor.advisorRidwan, Roni
dc.contributor.authorIslami, Ilma
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi penambahan probiotik L. plantarum (P), combination enzymes (CE), dan enzyme stimulation secretion (ESS40) pada pakan secara in vitro. Penelitian dilakukan dua tahap, yaitu pengujian taraf probiotik menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 perlakuan (P1: 2%; P2:5%; P3:10%), pengujian fermentatif menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 12 perlakuan (X0 = ransum basal; X1 = X0 + 1% ESS40; X2 = X0 + 0.5% CE; X3 = X0 + 1% CE; X4 = X0 + 1% P; X5 = X1 + 0.5% CE; X6 = X1+ 1% CE; X7 = X1 + 1% P; X8 = X2 + 1% P; X9 = X3 + 1% P; X10 = X5 + 1% P; X11 = X6 + 1% P). Data dianalisis menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA) dan hasil yang signifikan (P<0,05) diuji lanjut menggunakan uji Duncan dan kontras ortogonal. Parameter yang diukur yaitu mikrobiologi probiotik, pH, konsentrasi NH3, KcBK, KcBO, VFA, total gas, dan gas metana. Penggunaan taraf inokulan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pH dan total asam laktat. Penambahan probiotik, CE dan ESS40 berpengaruh nyata terhadap VFA, total gas dan gas metana. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penggunaan probiotik, CE, dan ESS40 belum optimal memengaruhi produk fermentasi rumen, namun menurunkan produksi
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to evaluate the addition of probiotics L. plantarum (P), combination enzymes (CE), and enzyme stimulation secretion (ESS40) to feed in vitro. The study was conducted in two stages, probiotic level testing using a completely randomized design with 3 treatments (P1: 2%; P2: 5%; P3: 10%), fermentative testing using a randomized block design with 12 treatments (X0 = basal ration; X1 = X0 + 1% ESS40; X2 = X0 + 0.5% CE; X3 = X0 + 1% CE; X4 = X0 + 1% P; X5 = X1 + 0. 5% CE; X6 = X1+ 1% CE; X7 = X1 + 1% P; X8 = X2 + 1% P; X9 = X3 + 1% P; X10 = X5 + 1% P; X11 = X6 + 1% P). Data was analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and significant results (P<,05) were tested using Duncan's test and orthogonal contrast. Parameters was probiotics microbiology, pH, concentration of NH3, KcBK, KcBO, VFA, total gas, and methane gas. The use of inoculant levels had a significant effect on pH and total lactic acid. The addition of probiotics, CE and ESS40 had a significant effect on VFA, total gas and methane gas. The conclusion of this study is that the use of probiotics, CE, and ESS40 had not optimally affected rumen fermentation products, but reduced methane
dc.description.sponsorshipRIIM BRIN-LPDPid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Penambahan Probiotik dan Enzim pada Pakan Ruminansia terhadap Fermentabilitas dan Kecernaan secara In
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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