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dc.contributor.advisorRosiana, Nia
dc.contributor.authorAdriyanto, Farell Reza
dc.description.abstractTerdapat jumlah permintaan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan jumlah penawaran telur puyuh. peternakan puyuh pada tempat pembuangan sampah terpadu Kota Bogor ingin meningkatkan kapasitas puyuh petelurnya sebesar 25 persen sehingga diperlukan investasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan pengembangan peternakan puyuh di Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) Kota Bogor. Analisis kelayakan meliputi aspek non finansial dan aspek finansial. Hasil analisis aspek non finansial menunjukkan rencana pengembangan peternakan layak dijalankan karena hasil skor kelayakan pada masing-masing aspek non finansial lebih besar dari 50 persen. Hasil analisis finansial tanpa pengembangan menghasilkan NPV sebesar Rp232,229,923 , IRR sebesar 21 persen, Net B/C sebesar 2,04, dan Payback Period sebesar 7 tahun 5 bulan. Analisis finansial dengan pengembangan menghasilkan NPV sebesar Rp662,445,448 , IRR sebesar 44 persen, Net B/C sebesar 3,80, Payback Period sebesar 3 tahun 9 bulan sehingga pada kedua kondisi usaha layak dijalankan secara finansial. Serta didapatkan peningkatan manfaat bersih dengan pengembangan sebesar 53,15 persen. Berdasarkan analisis switching value peternakan sensitif terhadap penurunan
dc.description.abstractThere is a higher number of demand than the number of supply for quail eggs. The quail farm located at the integrated waste disposal site in Bogor City aims to increase its quail egg-laying capacity by 25 percent, requiring an investment. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of developing a quail farm at the Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST) in Bogor City. The feasibility analysis encompasses non-financial and financial aspects. The results of the non-financial aspect analysis indicate that the planned farm development is viable for implementation, as the feasibility scores for each non-financial aspect exceed 50 percent. The financial analysis, without development, yields an NPV of Rp232,229,923, an IRR of 21 percent, a Net B/C of 2.04, and a Payback Period of 7 years and 5 months. On the other hand, the financial analysis, with development, yields an NPV of Rp662,445,448, an IRR of 44 percent, a Net B/C of 3.80, and a Payback Period of 3 years and 9 months. Therefore, under both conditions, the business development plan is financially feasible. Additionally, there is an increase in net benefits by 53.15 percent with the development. Based on the switching value analysis, the farm is sensitive to a decline in
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKelayakan Pengembangan Skala Usaha Peternakan Burung Puyuh (Studi Kasus: Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu Kota Bogor)id

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