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dc.contributor.advisorYuhana, Munti
dc.contributor.authorWardhani, Rahmah Putri
dc.description.abstractProbiotik memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam bidang akuakultur. Efektivitas penggunaan bakteri probiotik sangat dipengaruhi oleh jenis bakteri yang digunakan. Salah satu jenis bakteri Bacillus yang potensial digunakan sebagai probiotik ialah Bacillus cereus BR2. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kemampuan enzimatik probiotik B. cereus BR2, mengevaluasi pertumbuhan sel dalam media kultur masal dengan menggunakan media alternatif serta menguji keamanan aplikasi bakteri probiotik B. cereus BR2 terhadap tingkat kelangsungan hidup Artemia dengan uji bioassay. Penelitian dilakukan secara in vitro dan bioassay. In vitro yaitu menumbuhkan bakteri pada media yang mengandung TSB, kaldu daging, molase, tepung tapioka, dan kombinasinya. Bioassay yaitu penambahan TSB, kombinasi kaldu daging, molase, dan tepung tapioka pada media pemeliharaan Artemia yang diberi bakteri probiotik B. cereus BR2, yang meliputi tiga perlakuan yakni: perlakuan kontrol negatif tanpa penambahan bakteri maupun bahan (K-), penambahan TSB 0,1% dan bakteri (K+), penambahan kaldu daging 0,1%, molase 0,1%, tepung tapioka 0,1% dan bakteri (ABC). Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah uji enzimatik pada isolat bakteri probiotik B. cereus BR2 secara kualitatif, uji pertumbuhan probiotik B. cereus BR2 di berbagai jenis media alternatif, analisa kurva tumbuh B. cereus BR2 OTCR pada media optimum, kualitas media kultur, dan survival rate (SR) Artemia. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa isolat Bacillus cereus BR2 mempunyai aktivitas enzimatik berupa proteolitik, amilolitik, dan lipolitik. Media kultur alternatif yang optimum bagi pertumbuhan isolat bakteri probiotik B. cereus BR2 OTCR yaitu terdapat pada media dengan kombinasi bahan berupa kaldu daging 0,1% (v/w) molase 0,1% (v/w) dan tepung tapioka 0,1% (w/w). Pada perlakuan penambahan kaldu daging 0,1%, molase 0,1%, tepung tapioka 0,1% dan bakteri B. cereus BR2 (ABC) dengan uji bioassay menggunakan Artemia sebagai hewan uji coba didapatkan nilai kelangsungan hidup berkisar antara 83,33±1,00% – 97,78±1,15% dan berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan K+ dengan nilai kelangsungan hidup berkisar antara 55,56±3,51% – 90,00±1,
dc.description.abstractProbiotics have a very important role in the field of aquaculture. The effectiveness of using probiotic bacteria is strongly influenced by the type of bacteria used. One type of Bacillus bacteria that has the potential to be used as a probiotic is Bacillus cereus BR2. This study aims to identify the enzymatic ability of the B. cereus BR2 probiotic, evaluate cell growth in mass culture media using alternative media and tested the safety of the application of B. cereus BR2 probiotic bacteria on the survival rate of Artemia by bioassay test. The research was conducted in vitro and bioassay. In vitro, namely growing bacteria on media containing TSB, meat broth, molasses, tapioca starch, and their combinations. The bioassay was the addition of TSB, a combination of meat broth, molasses, and tapioca flour to the Artemia rearing medium supplemented with the probiotic bacteria B. cereus BR2, which included three treatments namely: negative control treatment without the addition of bacteria or ingredients (K-), addition of TSB 0, 1% and bacteria (K+), addition of 0.1% meat broth, 0.1% molasses, 0.1% tapioca flour and bacteria (ABC). Parameters observed in this study were enzymatic tests on probiotic bacteria B. cereus BR2 isolates qualitatively, growth tests of B. cereus BR2 probiotics in various types of alternative media, analysis of the growth curve of B. cereus BR2 OTCR on optimum media, quality of culture media, and Artemia survival rate (SR). The results showed that Bacillus cereus BR2 isolate had positive enzymatic activity in the form of proteolytic, amylolytic, and lipolytic. Optimum alternative culture media for the growth of probiotic bacteria B. cereus BR2 OTCR isolate which is found in media with a combination of ingredients in the form of 0.1% (v/w) meat broth, 0.1% (v/w) molasses and 0.1% tapioca flour % (w/w). In the addition of 0.1% meat broth, 0.1% molasses, 0.1% tapioca flour and bacteria B. cereus BR2 (ABC) treatment with the bioassay test using Artemia as a test animal, survival values ranged from 83,33±1,00% – 97.78 ± 1.15% and were significantly different from the K+ treatment with survival values ranging from 55,56±3,51% – 90.00 ±
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakterisasi Enzimatik Probiotik Bacillus cereus BR2 dan Pola Pertumbuhan di Berbagai Media Alternatifid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordenzymatic activityid
dc.subject.keywordBacillus cereus BR2id
dc.subject.keywordalternative mediaid

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