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dc.contributor.advisorManaf, Lisdar A
dc.contributor.advisorListiyowati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorNurzakiah, Rahayu
dc.description.abstractJamur tiram putih (Pleurotus sp.) banyak dibudidayakan masyarakat karena memilki kandungan gizi yang tinggi dan biaya produksi yang cukup murah. Sabut kelapa dan jerami padi termasuk limbah pertanian yang mengandung selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin yang berpotensi digunakan sebagai substrat tumbuh jamur tiram. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengamati pertumbuhan dan kandungan gizi Pleurotus sp. isolat HS dalam 500 gram media pada substrat yang berbeda yaitu jerami padi (JR), sabut kelapa (SK) serta campuran jerami padi dan sabut kelapa (JRSK). Fase vegetatif Pleurotus sp. HS pada SK (31 hari) lebih lama daripada JR (27 hari) dan JRSK (28 hari), sedangkan fase reproduktifnya pada substrat JR dan JRSK (17 hari) lebih lama daripada SK (12 hari). Efisiensi biologisnya pada JR (42%) dan JRSK (31,53%) lebih tinggi daripada SK (15,76%). Kadar abu, protein, dan lemak Pleurotus sp. HS pada substrat JRSK masing-masing 12,18%, 24,47%, dan 1,76% lebih tinggi daripada JR masing-masing 8,56%, 18,79%, dan 0,95%, sedangkan kadar seratnya pada JRSK (7,43%) lebih tinggi daripada SK (5,69%) dan lebih rendah daripada JR (10, 59%).id
dc.description.abstractWhite oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus sp.) are widely cultivated by the community due to their high nutritional content and relatively low production costs. Coconut coir and rice straw are agricultural wastes that contain cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin which can be potential to be used as substrates for growing oyster mushrooms. This study was conducted to observe the growth and nutritional content of Pleurotus sp. HS on different substrate combinations in 500 grams of media, namely Rice Straw (JR), coconut coir (SK), and a combination of rice straw and coconut coir (JRSK). The vegetative phase of SK (31 days) was longer than JR (27 days) and JRSK (28 days). The reproductive phase of JR and JRSK (17 days) was longer than SK (12 days). The biological efficiency of JR (42%) and JRSK (31,53%) is higher than SK (15,76%). The ash, protein, and fat content of JRSK (12,18%, 24,47%, and 1,76% respectively) were higher than JR (8,56%, 18,79%, and 0,95% respectively). The fiber content of JRSK (7,43%) is higher than SK (5,69%) and lower than JR (10,59%).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleProduksi Tubuh Buah dan Kandungan Gizi Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus sp.) Isolat HS Pada Substrat Sabut Kelapa dan Jerami Padiid
dc.title.alternativeProduction of Fruiting Body and Nutritional Content of White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) of HS isolate on Coconut Coir and Rice Straw Substratesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbiological efficiencyid
dc.subject.keywordfiber contentid
dc.subject.keywordreproductive phaseid
dc.subject.keywordvegetative phaseid

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