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dc.contributor.advisorAndrianto, Dimas
dc.contributor.advisorNurcholis, Waras
dc.contributor.authorGhifari, Muhammad Nabil
dc.description.abstractBayam hijau (Amaranthus viridis L.) merupakan tanaman yang mengandung zat besi yang tinggi, senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid, antioksidan, dan fenolik yang bermanfaat untuk penyakit degeneratif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, kandungan zat besi, total fenolik, dan aktivitas antioksidan tanaman bayam menggunakan pupuk maggot (Black Soldier Fly). Kandungan zat besi diukur menggunakan metode ICP-OES, kadar total fenolik diukur menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu, dan aktivitas antioksidan diukur menggunakan metode DPPH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan 2 (2:8) memiliki nilai kandungan zat besi tertinggi sebesar 13,73 ± 0,0419a mg/100g BK dan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi sebesar 18,61 ± 0,0644a μmol TE/100g BK sedangkan perlakuan 1 (1:9) memiliki pertumbuhan tertinggi rata-rata sebesar 259,47 mm, jumlah daun sebesar 17,53 lembar, dan bobot basah sebesar 288 gr serta nilai fenolik tertinggi sebesar 273,55 ± 5,6480a mg GAE/100g BK. Penggunaan pupuk maggot memberi nilai pertumbuhan, jumlah daun, bobot basah, kandungan zat besi, total fenolik, dan aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pupuk organik (kandang).id
dc.description.abstractGreen spinach (Amaranthus viridis L.) is a plant that contains high iron, secondary metabolite compounds such as flavonoids, antioxidants, and phenolics which are beneficial for degenerative diseases. This study aimed to determine the growth of plant height, number of leaves, iron content, total phenolic, and antioxidant activity of spinach plants using maggot fertilizer (Black Soldier Fly). Iron content was measured using ICP-OES method, total phenolic content was measured using Folin-Ciocalteu method, and antioxidant activity was measured using DPPH method. The results showed that treatment 2 (2:8) had the highest iron content values of 13,73 ± 0,0419a mg/100 gr BK and the highest antioxidant activity of 18,61 ± 0,0644a μmol TE/100 gr BK while treatment 1 (1:9) had the highest average growth of 259,47 mm and 17,53 leaves, and wet weight of 288 gr and the highest phenolic value of 273,55 ± 5,6480a mg GAE/100 gr BK. The use of maggot fertilizer gave higher values of growth, number of leaves, wet weight, iron content, total phenolic, and antioxidant activity compared to organic (manure)id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePeningkatan Kandungan Zat Besi, Total Fenolik, dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Bayam Hijau (Amaranthus viridis L.) dengan Pupuk Maggot (Black Soldier Fly).id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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