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dc.contributor.advisorMawardi, Wazir
dc.contributor.authorShabirah, Haifa
dc.description.abstractMinimnya pengetahuan teknologi nelayan pancing ulur Palabuhanratu membuat produktivitas hasil tangkapan semakin rendah, sehingga untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tersebut perlu adanya introduksi alat bantu penangkapan berupa kombinasi rumpon dan umpan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membuat rancang bangun rumpon hanyut berumpan sebagai perlakuan, membandingkan komposisi hasil tangkapan pancing ulur perlakuan dan kontrol, menentukan pengaruh penggunaan rumpon hanyut berumpan, dan menentukan produktivitas pancing ulur perlakuan dan kontrol. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Perairan Teluk Palabuhanratu menggunakan metode experimental fishing dengan 16 trip sebagai ulangan. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa hasil tangkapan pada pancing ulur perlakuan lebih unggul dibandingkan kontrol. Selama 16 ulangan hasil tangkapan pancing ulur perlakuan sebesar 98,67 kg sedangkan kontrol sebesar 62,34 kg. Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis Mann-Whitney perlakuan menggunakan rumpon hanyut berumpan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah ekor dan berat hasil tangkapan. Produktivitas pancing ulur perlakuan memiliki nilai yang lebih besar dibandingkan pancing ulur kontrol, yaitu masingmasing sebesar 6,17 kg/trip dan 3,90 kg/trip dengan persentase rata-rata produksi pancing ulur perlakuan meningkat sebesar 58,28%. Pendapatan bersih pancing ulur perlakuan sebesar Rp51.020,00 dan kontrol Rp21.416,
dc.description.abstractThe lack of technological knowledge for handline fishermen in Palabuhanratu has resulted in lower catch productivity. To increase the productivity of the hand line, it is necessary to introduce fishing aids in the form of a combination of FADs and bait. This study aimed to design and build baited drift FADs as a treatment, to compare the catch composition of treated and control handlines, to determine the effect of using baited drift FADs, and to determine the productivity of treated and control handlines. This research was conducted in the waters of Palabuhanratu Bay using the experimental fishing method with 16 trips as repetition. The results of this study stated that the catch on the treatment line was superior to the control. For 16 repetitions, the catch of the treatment line was 98.67 kg, and the control was 62.34 kg. Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney analysis test, the treatment using baited drift FADs significantly affected the number of tails and the weight of the catch. The productivity of the treated handline had a more excellent value than the control handline, which was 6.17 kg/trip and 3.90 kg/trip, respectively, with an average percentage of treated handline production increasing by 58.28%. The net income of the treatment handline was Rp51.020,00, and that of the control was Rp21.416,
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenggunaan Rumpon Hanyut Berumpan terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Pancing Ulur di Perairan Teluk Palabuhanratuid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPalabuhanratu Bayid

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