Suplementasi Zn Dalam Ransum Yang Berbeda Pada Organ Dalam dan Saluran Pencernaan Calon Galur Ayam IPB-D2 Umur 23 Minggu
Penelitian ini dirancang dengan tujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh jenis ransum yang berbeda serta suplementasi Zn terhadap organ dalam calon galur Ayam IPB-D2. Ransum perlakuan diberikan selama delapan minggu. Pemeliharaan terbagi menjadi dua fase yaitu fase pre-layer (16-19 minggu) dan fase layer (20-28 minggu). Pengukuran peubah dilakukan pada ayam umur 23 minggu sebanyak 20 ekor atau 10% dari total populasi. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan RAL pola faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu jenis ransum (Sesuai kebutuhan nutrien Lohmann 2020 dan ransum dengan kebutuhan nutrien <10% Lohmann 2020) serta suplementasi Zn (0 ppm dan 120 ppm). Perlakuan ransum yang diberikan adalah: P0Zn0= ransum sesuai kebutuhan nutrien Lohmann 2020, P0Zn120= ransum sesuai kebutuhan nutrien Lohmann 2020 + Zn 120 ppm, P1Zn0= ransum dengan kebutuhan nutrient <10% Lohmann 2020, P1Zn120= ransum dengan kebutuhan nutrien <10% Lohmann 2020 + Zn 120 ppm. Peubah yang diukur pada penelitian ini meliputi bobot potong, persentase bobot karkas, persentase bobot organ dalam serta saluran pencernaan dan panjang relatif usus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa supelementasi Zn 120 ppm dalam ransum P0 nyata (P<0,05) menurunkan persentase bobot kaki. Pengaruh ransum P1Zn0 nyata (P<0,05) menurunkan persentase bobot kolon. Tidak ada interaksi antara jenis ransum dan suplementasi Zn maupun pengaruh faktor utama terhadap peubah lainnya yang diukur. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ransum dengan kebutuhan nutrien berdasarkan Lohmann (2020) dan suplementasi Zn 120 ppm sudah mampu memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi dan perkembangan organ dalam calon galur ayam IPB-D2 fase layer This study aimed to evaluate the influence of diet types according to nutrients required based on Lohmann 2020 as well as Zn supplementation on the internal organs of IPB-D2 candidate chicken strains. The treatment diets were given for eight weeks. Maintenance was divided into two periods, the pre-layer period (16-19 weeks) and the layer period (20-28 weeks). Variables were measured in 23-week-old chickens as much as 20 heads or 10% of the total population. The experimental design used a factorial with two factors, first the type of diet (diet based on the nutritional required of Lohmann 2020 and diet with nutrients required <10% Lohmann 2020) and secondly Zn supplementation (0 ppm and 120 ppm). The diet treatment was given P0Zn0= diet according to Lohmann 2020 nutrients, P0Zn120 = diet according to Lohmann 2020 nutrients + Zn 120 ppm, P1Zn0 = diet with nutrient required <10% Lohmann 2020, P1Zn120 = diet with nutrient required <10 % Lohmann 2020 + Zn 120 ppm. The observed variables included slaughter weight, percentage of the weight of carcass, percentage of the weight of internal organs and digestive tract, and relative length of intestines. The results showed that the supplementation of Zn 120 ppm in the P0 diet significantly (P<0.05) decreased the percentage of the weight of the legs. The effect of the P1Zn0 diet significantly (P<0.05) lowers the percentage of the weight of colons. There was no interaction between diet types and Zn supplementation nor the influence of major factors on other measured modifiers. The conclusion of this study was that feed with nutrient content according to Lohmann (2020) and supplemented with 120 ppm zinc is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs and the development of internal organs of the IPB-D2 candidate chicken strain layer phase