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dc.contributor.advisorBeik, Irfan Syauqi
dc.contributor.advisorHasanah, Qoriatul
dc.contributor.authorSalsabila, Amirah Fairuz
dc.description.abstractIslamic banks have been established for three decades in Indonesia, but the disparity in the number of Muslim populations and customers of Islamic banks in Indonesia is still very high. Therefore, this study aims to find out why non-customers of Islamic banks do not choose Islamic banks. This study processed primary data obtained through questionnaires from 120 respondents spread across Indonesia. This study uses purposive sampling techniques in collecting respondents and Multiple Linear Regression in analyzing data. The results of this study show the correlation factors on the interest in using Islamic banking as follows: factors of awareness of products and services, advertising, and religiosity have a positive and significant effect. Then Islamic financial literacy and reputation of Islamic banks have no significant positive correlation. Meanwhile, network, number of ATMs and branch offices have no significant negative correlationid
dc.description.abstractBank Syariah telah tiga decade berdiri di Indonesia akan tetapi ketimpangan akan jumlah populasi Muslim dan nasabah Bank Syariah di Indonesia masih sangat tinggi. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini brtujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab non-nasabah Bank Syariah tidak memilih Bank Syariah. Penelitian ini mengeolah data primer yang didapatkan melalui kuesioner dari 120 responden yang terseber di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dalam mengumpulkan responden dan Multiple Linear Regression dalam menganalisa data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan korelasi factor terhadap minat menggunakan Bank Syariah sebagai berikut: faktor kesadaran akan produk dan layanan, iklan, dan religiusitas berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan. Kemudian literasi keuangan syariah dan reputasi bank syariah berkorelasi positif tdak signifikan. Sementara jarid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.subject.ddcIslamic Bankingid
dc.titleDeterminants Analysis of Intention to Use Islamic Banks in The Perspective of Non-Customer: A Study from
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordIslamic Bankingid
dc.subject.keywordMarket Shareid

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