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dc.contributor.advisorMuflikh, Yanti
dc.contributor.authorSeto, Elang
dc.description.abstractPada tahun 2017 dan 2021 neraca telur ayam ras Kabupaten Pati mengalami defisit. Defisit neraca menjadi tantangan rantai pasok telur ayam ras dalam pemenuhan permintaan konsumen regional dan diperlukan identifikasi rantai pasok secara keseluruhan. Salah satu rantai pasok telur ayam ras di Kabupaten Pati adalah rantai pasok Peternakan Ayam Sukses yang yang menyasar dan bertanggung jawab atas pemenuhan kebutuhan telur ayam ras konsumen tingkat domestik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk identifikasi kondisi keseluruhan rantai pasok Peternakan Ayam Sukses ditinjau dari sasaran, struktur, manajemen, proses bisnis, sumber daya, dan kinerja. Penentuan responden secara purposive dengan menggunakan snowball sampling pada responden lain yang terlibat dengan acuan pertama pada Peternakan Ayam Sukses. Model rantai pasok telur ayam ras dianalisis dengan kerangka Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN). Berdasarkan Pendekatan FSCN didapati bahwa:[1] Sasaran pasar rantai pasok telur ayam ras pada Peternakan Ayam Sukses di segmenkan untuk semua kalangan (full market coverage) di wilayah kabupaten Pati [2] Rantai pasok telur ayam ras di Kabupaten Pati berbentuk jaringan (network supply chain). [3] Penerapan manajemen rantai pasok berjalan kurang baik karena pada aspek kolaborasi antar rantai yang ditetapkan anggota rantai pasok kurang lancar. [4] Sumber daya yang dimiliki rantai pasok telur ayam ras sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan rantai pasok. [5] Proses bisnis di rantai pasok telur ayam ras kurang berjalan dengan baik karena aliran informasi kurang lancar antara ritel ke Peternakan Ayam Sukses. [6] Kinerja rantai pasok telur ayam ras dapat dikatakan baik pada pemasaran dan belum baik pada pengelolaan aset uang
dc.description.abstractIn 2017 and 2021, the Pati Regency egg balance experienced a deficit. The balance deficit is a challenge for the supply chain of layer eggs in fulfilling regional consumer demand and it is necessary to identify the supply chain as a whole. One of the supply chains for layer eggs in Pati Regency is the supply chain for Sukses Chicken Farms which targets and is responsible for meeting the needs of layer eggs for domestic consumers. The research aims to identify the condition of the entire supply chain of Sukses Chicken Farms in terms of objectives, structure, management, business processes, resources and performance. Respondents are determined purposively by using snowball sampling on other respondents involved with the first reference to Sukses Chicken Farms. The supply chain model of layer eggs was analyzed using the Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) framework. Based on the FSCN approach, it was found that: [1] The target supply chain market for layer eggs in Sukses Chicken Farms is segmented for all people (full market coverage) in the Pati Regency [2] The supply chain for layer eggs in Pati Regency is in the form of a network (network supply chain ). [3] The implementation of supply chain management is not going well because the aspects of inter-chain collaboration determined by supply chain members are not smooth. [4] The resources owned by the supply chain of layer eggs are in accordance with the needs of the supply chain. [5] Business processes in the supply chain of layer eggs are not going well because the flow of information is not smooth between retail and Sukses Chicken Farms. [6] The performance of the supply chain of layer eggs can be said to be good in marketing and not good in managing cash
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Rantai Pasok Telur Ayam Ras pada Peternakan Ayam Sukses di Kabupaten Patiid
dc.title.alternativeSupply Chain Analysis of Layer Eggs on Sukses Chicken Farm in Pati Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordSupply chainid
dc.subject.keywordLayer eggsid

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