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dc.contributor.advisorSetiawan, Radite Praeko Agus
dc.contributor.authorPangestu, Atha Rizki
dc.description.abstractPemantauan tebal lapisan minyak penting dilakukan karena mempengaruhi kadar kotoran di overflow. Saat ini pengukuran tebal lapisan minyak pada tangki CST masih dilakukan secara manual oleh operator menggunakan selang bening atau gelas penduga. Data pemantauan diukur setiap 2 jam sekali oleh operator di atas tangki yang panas. Data yang dihasilkan tidak kontinu, input data secara manual, serta mengharuskan operator hadir secara on-site. Pengukuran tebal lapisan fluida dapat digantikan dengan penggunaan kamera atau dengan sensor berat menggunakan load cell. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang bangun model sistem monitoring ketebalan lapisan fluida pada tangki CST dengan berbasis IoT. Penelitian ini terdiri beberapa tahapan, antara lain : Identifikasi dan perumusan masalah, perancangan fungsional sistem monitoring, perancangan struktural hardware, pengujian dan kalibrasi hardware perancangan arsitektur software, dan pengujian kinerja sistem monitoring. Hasil pengukuran membuktikan variasi metode pengolahan citra tanpa objek referensi memiliki kinerja terbaik diukur dari akurasi 95,7%, durasi olah data 0,04 detik, durasi transfer data 2,5 detik, dan komponen yang lebih sedikit, namun metode ini sensitif terhadap perubahan posisi kamera. Penambahan objek referensi mampu mengkompensasi perubahan posisi kamera, namun pendeteksian objek referensi yang tidak tepat menyebabkan rendahnya akurasi yaitu sebesar 88,91% dan peningkatan durasi olah menjadi 0,09 detik. Metode displacer dapat diterapkan, apabila tidak memungkinkan pengolahan citra dilakukan. Metode displacer tunggal berkinerja cukup baik dengan akurasi hingga 90,05% dengan diameter 50 mm, namun metode displacer tunggal sensitif terhadap perubahan suhu sehingga membutuhkan pengkoreksi dari persamaan densitas atau dari displacer kalibrasi. Penggunaan displacer kalibrasi dan persamaan densitas terbukti mampu mengkompensasi perubahan suhu fluida. Data pengukuran tersebut disimpan pada server Google Spreadsheet, kemudian ditampilkan pada aplikasi monitoring yang telah
dc.description.abstractMonitoring the thickness of the oil layer is important because it affects the level of dirt in the overflow. Currently, the measurement of the thickness of the oil layer in the CST tank is still carried out manually by the operator using a clear hose or measuring cup. Monitoring data is measured every 2 hours by the operator on a hot tank. The data generated is not continuous, input data manually, and requires the operator to be present on-site. The thickness measurement of the fluid layer can be replaced by the use of a camera or by a weight sensor using a load cell. This study aims to design a model of a fluid layer thickness monitoring system in a CST tank based on IoT. This research consists of several stages, including: Identification and formulation of problems, functional design of monitoring systems, structural hardware design, hardware testing and calibration of software architecture design, and monitoring system performance testing. The measurement results prove that variations in image processing methods without reference objects have the best performance measured from 95.7% accuracy, data processing duration 0.04 seconds, data transfer duration 2.5 seconds, and fewer components, but this method is sensitive to changes in position. camera. The addition of a reference object is able to compensate for changes in camera position, but the detection of an inappropriate reference object causes a low accuracy of 88.91% and an increase in processing duration to 0.09 seconds. The displacer method can be applied, if it is not possible to do image processing. The single displacer method performs quite well with an accuracy of up to 90.05% with a diameter of 50 mm, but the single displacer method is sensitive to changes in temperature so it requires correction of one of them with a calibration displacer. The use of a calibration displacer in the double displacer method is proven to be able to compensate for changes in fluid temperature. The measurement data is stored on the Google Sheets server, then displayed on the monitoring application that has been
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleModel Sistem Monitoring Tangki CST Berbasis IoT dengan Mekanisme Pengolahan Citra dan Displacerid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordCalibration displacerid
dc.subject.keywordGoogle Spreadsheetid
dc.subject.keywordMonitoring oilid
dc.subject.keywordReference object image processingid

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