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dc.contributor.advisorAfnan, Rudi
dc.contributor.advisorDarwati, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorFadwiwati, Andi Yulyani
dc.contributor.authorPolontalo, Aulia Fitriawati
dc.description.abstractAyam persilangan Sensi-1 Agrinak dan KUB (SENKUB) memiliki potensi menjadi ayam lokal unggul dwiguna. Potensi tersebut dapat diupayakan melalui peningkatan kualitas bibit dengan memperhatikan manajemen penetasan salah satunya penyeleksian bobot telur tetas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi grade bobot telur tetas yang berbeda dari hasil persilangan ayam Sensi-1 Agrinak dan KUB terhadap performa penetasan dan performa produksi yaitu pertumbuhan anak ayam hasil persilangannya. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan, yaitu bobot telur kecil (36-40 g butir-1), bobot telur sedang (41-45 g butir-1), dan bobot telur besar (46-50 g butir-1). Penelitian ini terdiri 2 tahap, yaitu tahap penetasan dan tahap pemeliharaan. Tahap pertama, penetasan dilakukan selama 21 hari dengan bahan utama yang digunakan adalah 245 butir telur tetas dari ayam SENKUB. Parameter yang diamati pada tahap pertama yaitu performa penetasan yang meliputi susut bobot telur, fertilitas, daya tetas, bobot tetas, salable chick, dan mortalitas embrio. Selanjutnya tahap kedua, pemeliharaan ayam dilakukan selama 63 hari (9 minggu) dengan bahan utama yang digunakan adalah 80 ekor ayam dari hasil penetasan telur tetas ayam SENKUB sebelumnya. Parameter yang diamati pada tahap kedua yaitu performa produksi yang meliputi konsumsi pakan, feed conversion ratio (FCR), pertambahan bobot badan (PBB), bobot badan akhir, mortalitas ayam, dan karkas, serta parameter mikroklimatik kandang yang meliputi suhu, kelembapan, dan temperature humidity index (THI)). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan grade bobot telur tetas besar (46-50 g butir-1) signifikan menghasilkan susut bobot terendah, bobot tetas tertinggi, dan nilai salable chick tertinggi. Fertilitas, daya tetas, dan mortalitas embrio tidak dipengaruhi oleh grade bobot telur tetas. Grade bobot telur tetas sedang dan besar terbaik untuk ditetaskan dengan memiliki bobot berkisar 41-50 g butir-1 untuk menghasilkan DOC yang memenuhi kriteria salable chick berdasarkan SNI. Grade bobot telur tetas besar dan sedang berturut-turut menghasilkan salable chick sebesar 100% dan 77,50%. Ayam hasil penetasan dari grade bobot telur tetas besar, sedang, dan kecil tidak berbeda pada performa produksi. Ayam dari grade bobot telur tetas kecil dan besar menghasilkan performa produksi lebih
dc.description.abstractSensi-1 Agrinak and KUB crossbred chickens (SENKUB chickens) have the potential to become dual-purpose superior local chickens. This potency can be increased by improving the quality of seedlings by paying attention to hatching management, one of which was the selection of hatched egg weight. This study aimed to evaluate different hatched egg weight grades from Sensi-1 Agrinak and KUB crossbred chickens on hatching and production performance, namely the growth of chicks from crossbred. The experimental design was a Complete Random Design (CRD) with 3 treatments, which were small egg weight (36-40 eggs g-1), medium egg weight (41-45 eggs g-1), and large egg weight (46-50 eggs g-1). The study consisted of two stages, hatching and maintenance. The first stage, hatching was carried out for 21 days with the material used were 245 eggs hatched from SENKUB chickens. The parameters observed in the first stage were hatching performance, which included egg weight loss, fertility, hatchability, hatching weight, salable chick, and embryo mortality. Then in the second stage, maintenance was carried out for 63 days (9 weeks) with the material used were 80 chickens from hatching eggs from Sensi-1 Agrinak and KUB crossbred chickens before. The parameters observed in the second stage were production performance, which included feed consumption, feed conversion ratio (FCR), body weight gain, final body weight, mortality, and carcasses, as well as cage microclimatic parameters, which included temperature, humidity, and temperature humidity index (THI). The results of this research showed that the weight grade of large hatched eggs (46-50 eggs g-1) has a significant effect on lowest weight loss, highest hatching weight, and highest salable chick. Fertility, hatchability, and embryo mortality did not have a significant effect on hatched egg weight grade. The best weight grade for hatching performance is medium and large hatched egg weights with a weight ranging from 41-50 eggs g-1 to produce DOC that meets the salable chick criteria based on SNI. The salable chick of large and medium egg weight grades was 100% and 77.50%, respectively. Chickens from large, medium, and small hatched egg weights did not have a significant effect on production performance. Chickens from small and large hatched egg weight grades produce better production
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Grade Bobot Telur Tetas dari Hasil Persilangan Ayam Sensi-1 Agrinak dan KUB terhadap Performa Penetasan dan Produksiid
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of the Grade of Hatching Eggs of Sensi-1 Agrinak and KUB Crossbred Chicken on Hatching and Production Performancesid
dc.subject.keywordHatching egg weightid
dc.subject.keywordHatching performanceid
dc.subject.keywordProduction performanceid
dc.subject.keywordSENKUB chickensid

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