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dc.contributor.advisorNuryati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorWidiyani, Eka Oktavi
dc.description.abstractPathogen that causes tilapia to develop Streptococcosis is pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus agalactiae. This study aimed to test the polyvalent DNA vaccine on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) infected with Streptococcosis which causes mass mortality in tilapia. The test fish in this study had a weight range of 6.73±2.25 grams with length of 7.45±2.54 cm. Streptococcus agalactiae bacterial isolates were obtained from the Aquatic Organism Health Laboratory. Tilapia was vaccinated using Streptococcus agalactiae vaccine, Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine, polyvalent vaccine dose 2.5 ng µL-1 , dose 5 ng µL-1 and dose 10 ng µL-1 and negative positive controls were only injected with PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) solution. Tilapia was then challenged using Streptococcus agalactiae bacteria with a density of 106 CFU mL -1 for 0.1 mL in 14 days. Parameters were performed before vaccination, after vaccination and after the trial. The test parameters observed were total erythrocytes, total leukocytes, hemoglobin levels, hematocrit levels, differential leukocytes, phagocytic activity, Relative Percent Survival (RPS), growth rate and antibody titer. Vaccination with polyvalent DNA vaccine was able to increase non-specific immune responses (total leukocytes, lymphocyte percentage, and phagocytic activity) and specific in the form of increasing antibody titers from tilapia. The survival of vaccinated tilapia was better than the control. Based on research data, the highest RPS value was found in the 10 dose polyvalent vaccine treatment. The 10 dose polyvalent vaccine RPS value was
dc.description.abstractPatogen yang menyebabkan ikan nila terserang penyakit Streptococcosis adalah bakteri patogen Streptococcus agalactiae. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji vaksin DNA polivalen pada ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) yang terinfeksi penyakit Streptococcosis penyebab kematian massal pada ikan nila. Ikan uji dalam penelitian ini memiliki kisaran bobot 6,73±2,25 g dengan panjang 7,45±2,54 cm. Isolat bakteri Streptococcus agalactiae diperoleh dari Laboratorium Kesehatan Organisme Akuatik. Ikan nila divaksin dengan menggunakan vaksin FKC, VDP dosis 2,5 ng µL-1, VDP dosis 5 ng µL-1, VDP dosis 10 ng µL-1. serta kontrol negatif dan positif hanya disuntik larutan PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline). Ikan nila selanjutnya dilakukan uji tantang dengan menggunakan bakteri Streptococcus agalactiae dengan kepadatan 106 CFU mL-1 sebanyak 0,1 mL selama 14 hari. Pengamatan parameter dilakukan sebelum vaksinasi, setelah vaksinasi dan setelah uji tantang. Parameter uji yang diamati yaitu, total eritrosit, total leukosit, kadar hemoglobin, kadar hematokrit, diferensial leukosit, aktivitas fagositik, Relative Percent Survival (RPS), laju pertumbuhan dan titer antibodi. Vaksinasi dengan vaksin DNA polivalen mampu meningkatkan respons imunitas non spesifik (total leukosit, persentase limfosit, dan aktivitas fagositik) dan spesifik berupa peningkatan titer antibodi dari ikan nila. Kelangsungan hidup ikan nila yang divaksinasi lebih baik dibandingkan kontrol. Berdasarkan data penelitian, nilai RPS tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan vaksin polivalen dosis 10. Nilai RPS vaksin polivalen dosis 10 yaitu 75,
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleUji Vaksin DNA Polivalen pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) untuk Mencegah
dc.title.alternativePolyvalent Vaccine DNA on Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to Prevent Streptococcosisid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDNA vaccine, fish, pathogen, polyvalent, Streptococcus agalactiaeid

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