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dc.contributor.advisorAdiwibowo, Soeryo
dc.contributor.authorFitria, Rahayu
dc.description.abstractPembayaran jasa lingkungan memberikan hubungan timbal balik antara penyedia jasa dan penerima manfaat. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: pertama, mengidentifikasi dinamika kelompok tani hutan yang terlibat dalam program pembayaran jasa lingkungan air; kedua, menentukan gaya kepemimpinan ketua kelompok tani hutan; dan ketiga, mengukur manfaat program pembayaran jasa lingkungan kepada kelompok tani dan kelompok pengguna hutan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui metode survei sosial dan dipadukan dengan wawancara mendalam. Melalui teknik accidental sampling, dipilih 32 dari 43 anggota kelompok tani hutan sebagai responden. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, LSM lokal yaitu Forum Komunikasi DAS Cidanau (FKDC), serta aturan dan mekanisme program berkontribusi signifikan terhadap (i) sifat dinamis kelompok tani hutan, (ii) jenis kepemimpinan kelompok tani, dan (iii) pendapatan kelompok tani. Kedua, kelompok tani hutan Karya Muda II dikategorikan maju menurut prestasi kelompoknya; kesesuaian dengan aturan dan norma kelompok, tingkat kepuasan yang tinggi di antara anggota, dan kepercayaan yang tinggi berkembang di antara anggota dan di antara para pihak. Ketiga, saat ini kelompok tani dipimpin oleh seorang tokoh dengan tipe kepemimpinan demokratis. Keempat, program memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pendapatan kelompok. Pada 2019, sebanyak 34 juta Rupiah mengalir dari perusahaan swasta hilir ke petani di daerah hulu. Rata-rata responden menerima sekitar Rp 500 ribu hingga Rp 1,6 juta per tahun, tergantung luas lahan. Serta tidak ada hubungan antara dinamika kelompok dan gaya kepemimpinan dengan manfaat ekonomi. Namun dinamika kelompok dan gaya kepemimpinan memiliki hubungan tergolong rendah dengan nilai korelasi koefisien sebesar 0,354. Kelima, pembayaran jasa lingkungan menjamin keberlanjutan pasokan air bagi perusahaan swasta di hilir. Kata kunci: dinamika kelompok, gaya kepemimpinan, pembayaran jasa
dc.description.abstractThe payment for environmental services provides a reciprocal relationship between service providers and beneficiaries. Hence, the objectives of this study are: first, to identify the dynamics of the forest farmer groups engaging in the payment for water environmental service program; second, to determine the leadership style of the head of the forest farmers group; and third, to measure the benefit of the program of payment for environmental services to the forest farmers group and users group. Data was collected through social survey method and combined with in-depth interview. Through the accidental sampling technique, 32 out of 43 members of the forest farmers group were selected as respondents. The results of the study show that, first, the local NGO, namely, the Forum Komunikasi DAS Cidanau (FKDC), and the rules and mechanisms of the program significantly contribute to the (i) the dynamic nature of the forest farmers group, (ii) type of the leadership of the farmer's group, and (iii) the farmer's group income. Second, the forest farmer group of Karya Muda II is categorized a progressive one according to its group achievement; conformity to the group’s rules and norms, high degree of satisfaction among the members, and high trusts develops among members and between the parties. Third, at present, the farmer group is led by a figure with a democratic type of leadership. Fourth,.the program contributes significantly to the group's income. In 2019, as much as 34 million Rupiah flowed from private companies downstream to the farmers in the upland areas. On average, the respondent receives around Rp 500 thousand to Rp 1.6 million per year, depending on the land size. And there is no relationship between the group dynamics and leadership style with economic benefits. However, the group dynamics and leadership style have a low relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.354. Fifth, the payment for environmental services ensures the sustainability of the water supply for the downstream's private
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDinamika Kelompok dan Kepemimpinan dalam Pengelolaan Imbal Jasa Lingkungan Air (Payment For Water Environmental Services)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDinamika Kelompokid
dc.subject.keywordGaya Kepemimpinanid
dc.subject.keywordPembayaran Jasa Lingkunganid
dc.subject.keywordgroup dynamicsid
dc.subject.keywordleadership styleid
dc.subject.keywordpayment for environmental servicesid

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