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dc.contributor.authorRianto, Muhammad Raihan Faiz
dc.description.abstractPandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia mengalami kenaikan kasus cukup signifikan pada tahun 2020. Ini membuat beberapa sektor terkena dampaknya mulai dari ekonomi hingga sektor makanan dan minuman. Dampak yang buruk bagi perkembangan usaha serta pendapatan di bidang usaha makanan dan minuman di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali Clickbeans Coffee. Dengan visi pemiliknya melakukan edukasi tentang kopi kepada masyarakat dengan slogan ‘Coffee for Everyone’. Diperlukan strategi agar usaha dapat bertahan dan mempertahankan kualitas yang ada .Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk Clickbeans Coffee melalui analisis deksriptif dan perumusan yang terdiri dari tahan masukan, pencocokan, dan pengambilan keputusan. Alat yang digunakan adalah matriks IFE, EFE,SWOT, dan QSPM. Hasil analisis matriks menunjukan bahwa Clickbeans Coffee berada pada posisi kuadran IV yakni tumbuh dan berkembang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis matriks SWOT didapatkan tujuh alternatif strategi dengan prioritas strategi meningkatkan promosi dan penjualan baik secara daring (online) maupun luring (offline)id
dc.description.abstractThe COVID-19 case during pandemic in Indonesia experienced a significant increase in 2020. This has affected several sectors ranging from the economy to the food and beverage sector. The pandemic and the rapid growth of coffee shops have caused a bad impact on business development and income in the food and beverage business sector in Indonesia, and Clickbeans Coffee was no exception. The vision of the owner is to educate the public about coffee with the slogan 'Coffee for Everyone'. A new strategy is needed so that the business can survive and maintainedTherefore, purpose of this research is to analyze the right marketing strategy for Clickbeans Coffee through descriptive analysis and formulation consist of input stage, matching, and decision making. The tools used were IFE, EFE, SWOT, and QSPM matrices. The results of the matrix analysis showed that Clickbeans Coffee was in quadrant IV position: growing and developing. Based on the results of the SWOT matrix analysis, seven alternative strategies were obtained with the priority of strategy was to increase promotion and sales both online and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Strategi Pemasaran Kedai Kopi Clickbeans di Lentang Agung Jakarta Selatanid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordKedai Kopiid
dc.subject.keywordE FEid
dc.subject.keywordSWO T I FEid
dc.subject.keywordMarketing Strategyid

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