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dc.contributor.advisorRetnani, Yuli
dc.contributor.advisorSujarnoko, Tekad Urip Pambudi
dc.contributor.authorPrasetyoningrum, Widya Dwi
dc.description.abstractPelet merupakan salah satu pengolahan pakan. Teknik pelleting dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu pelleting tanpa steaming dan pelleting steaming. Penambahan whey protein yang mengandung asam amino esensial yang baik untuk sintesis otot protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis teknik pelleting terbaik yang menghasilkan kualitas fisikokimia pelet. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan menggunakan 4 perlakuan pelleting suhu ruang,pelleting suhu 60 °C, pelleting suhu 100 °C, dan pelleting steaming 100 °C.Perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali dan jika berbeda nyata akan dilakukan uji lanjutDuncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa teknik pelleting berbeda nyata pada (P<0,05) terhadap kualitas fisik pelet yaitu aktivitas air, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan, pellet durability index. Hasil menujukkan sifat fisikokimia terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan pelleting steaming dengan nilai pellet durabillty index terbaik dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya yang dapat dilihat dari tampilan fisik pelet pada setiap perlakuan. Kualitas kimia pelet tidak berbeda pada setiap perlakuan. Penggunaan teknik pelleting steaming merupakan teknik yang paling baik menghasilkan kualitas fisikokimia
dc.description.abstractPellet is one of the feed processing. Pelleting techniques can be divided into two, namely pelleting without steaming and pelleting steaming. The addition of whey protein which contains essential amino acids that are good for muscle protein synthesis. This study aims to analyze the best pellet technique that produces the physicochemical quality of the pellets. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) using 4 treatments for pellets at room temperature, pellets at 60 °C, pellets at 100 °C, and pellets at 100 °C steaming. The treatment was repeated 4 timesand if it was significantly different, Duncan's further test would be carried out. The results showed that several pellet techniques were significantly different (P<0.05) on the physical quality of pellets, namely air activity, compaction density, pellet resistance index. The results showed that the best physicochemical properties were obtained in the steaming pellet treatment with the best pellet durability index valuecompared to other treatments which could be seen from the physical appearance of the pellets in each treatment. The chemical quality of the pellets was different in each treatment. The use of pelleting steaming technique is the best technique to produce the physicochemical quality of
dc.description.sponsorshipPT. AGRO APIS PALACIOid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh beberapa teknik pelleting terhadap kualitas fisikokimia peletid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordchemical characteristicid
dc.subject.keywordpelleting techniquesid
dc.subject.keywordphysical characteristicid
dc.subject.keywordwhey proteinid

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