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dc.description.abstractThe demand on animal products increases in line with the increase in human population and their awareness on their nutritive value. Milk is a highly nutritive animal product which has high economic value. However, milk yield and its nutritive value are influenced by the nutritional status of the cows. Computer can be used as a tool to evaluate efficiently and accurately the nutritional status of dairy herd. In the present study, a computer program was developed using Microsoft Access by analyzing system, creating solution design, test and implementation program. System analysis and solution design were used to evaluate the nutrient requirement and reproduction status of the animal by entering the data of farmer identity (name, date and place of birth, education status, start of farming, animals ownership and address), animal identity (code, date of birth, physiology status body score and body weight), feeding aspects (feeding and nutrient requirement), and animal reproduction status (age at first calving, lactation period, lactation month and daily milk yield). The available data was used to evaluate the developed program. The output of the program indicated the ownership of the animal, population, nutritional and physiological status and milk yield. Key words: program, cows, feed, milk, farmer, cooperativeid
dc.titleProgram Evaluasi Pemberian Pakan Sapi Perah Untuk Tingkat Peternak Dan Koperasi Menggunakan Microsoft Accessid

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