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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Deni
dc.contributor.advisorMahanani, Yekti
dc.contributor.authorDzakirah, Jihan Qonitah
dc.description.abstractPandemi Covid-19 menjadi guncangan besar bagi perekonomian dunia dan berdampak ke semua industri termasuk industri pariwisata halal. Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, ancaman, serta merumuskankan strategi dalam pemulihan industri pariwisata halal di DKI Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytic Network Process berstruktur jaringan SWOT. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah lima orang pakar meliputi akademisi, regulator, dan praktisi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan aspek kekuatan adalah aspek yang paling berpengaruh dalam pemulihan industri pariwisata halal di DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek kekuatan yang paling berpengaruh adalah DKI Jakarta memiliki keunggulan aspek infrastruktur, aksesibilitas, dan amenitas yang sudah mapan. Aspek kelemahan yang paling berpengaruh adalah masih terjadi mispersepsi pemahaman tentang pariwisata halal di masyarakat DKI Jakarta. Aspek peluang dan ancaman yang paling berpengaruh terdiri dari konsep pariwisata halal cocok diterapkan di Era new normal dan tidak ada pedoman guna merencanakan, mengelola, serta mengurangi dampak wabah/bencana di industri pariwisata. Adapun prioritas strategi pemulihan industri pariwisata halal di DKI Jakarta adalah penguatan branding pariwisata
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 pandemic is a major shock to the world economy and has an impact on all industries, including the halal tourism industry. This study aims to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and formulate strategies in the recovery of the halal tourism industry in DKI Jakarta. The method used is the Analytic Network Process with a SWOT network structure. Respondents in this study collected five academic experts, regulators, and practitioners. The research findings show that the aspect of strength is the most influential aspect in the recovery of the halal tourism industry in DKI Jakarta. The results showed that the aspect of strength that had the most influence was that DKI Jakarta had the advantages of already established infrastructure, accessibility, and amenity aspects. The most influential aspect of weakness is that there is still a misperception of understanding about halal tourism in the people of DKI Jakarta. The most influential aspects of opportunities and threats consist of the concept of halal tourism which is suitable to be applied in the new normal era and there are no guidelines for planning, managing, and reducing the impact of epidemics/disasters in the tourism industry. The priority strategy for the recovery of the halal tourism industry in DKI Jakarta is to strengthen the branding of halal
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Pemulihan Industri Pariwisata Halal di DKI Jakartaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordHalal Tourismid

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