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dc.contributor.advisorTaufik, Epi
dc.contributor.advisorSoenarno, Mochammad Sriduresta
dc.contributor.authorAmberty, Rechsa
dc.description.abstractSalah satu komponen fungsional dalam susu adalah laktoferin yang merupakan protein pengikat besi multifungsi yang memainkan peranan penting dalam regulasi imun. Studi ini bertujuan membahas pengaruh suplementasi susu formula yang difortifikasi laktoferin pada bayi di bawah dua belas bulan. Studi dilakukan menggunakan metode studi literatur berdasarkan artikel ilmiah menurut kata kunci (Lactoferrin, infant, infant formula, dan bovine lactoferrin). Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil studi pustaka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bLf aman dan mampu mengatasi beberapa penyakit baik melalui pemberian oral maupun fortifikasi makanan serta terkait dengan pertumbuhan bayi normal di bawah usia dua belas bulan. Konsumsi susu formula yang difortifikasi laktoferin sapi memberikan efek yang signifikan pada total kandungan zat besi tubuh dan perbaikan jumlah hemoglobin bayi. Fortifikasi bLf ke dalam susu formula meningkatkan nilai fungsional susu formula, namun tidak signifikan menurunkan angka mortalitas
dc.description.abstractOne of the functional components in milk is lactoferrin which is a multifunctional iron-binding protein that plays an important role in immune regulation. This study was aimed to examine the effect of lactoferrin-fortified formula supplementation on infants under twelve months of age. The study was conducted by using a literature study method based on scientific articles according to keywords (Lactoferrin, infant, infant formula, and bovine lactoferrin). The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the literature study, it can be concluded that bLf is safe and able to overcome several diseases either through oral or food fortification, and is associated with normal growth of infants under the age of twelve months. Consumption of formula milk fortified with bovine lactoferrin has a significant effect on the total body iron content and improvement in the hemoglobin count of infants. Fortification of bLf into infant formula increased the functional value of formula milk, but did not significantly reduce infant
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStudi Literatur: Pengaruh Suplementasi Susu Formula yang Difortifikasi Laktoferin pada Bayi Di Bawah Dua Belas Bulanid
dc.title.alternativeLiterature Review: The Effect of Lactoferrin Fortified Formula Supplementation on Infants Under Twelve Monthsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbovine lactoferrinid
dc.subject.keywordinfant formulaid

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