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dc.contributor.advisorMandang, Tineke
dc.contributor.authorDewanti, Astrit Novita
dc.description.abstractPelumpuran tanah sawah adalah kegiatan pengolahan tanah dengan cara mencampur tanah dengan air secara berulang-ulang sehingga terbentuk lumpur. Terdapat dua metode pelumupuran yang sering digunakan petani, yaitu metode pelumpuran satu tahap dan metode pelumpuran dua tahap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sifat fisik tanah hasil dari metode pelumpuran satu tahap dan metode pelumpuran dua tahap serta menganalisis pengaruh metode pelumpuran terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman padi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan sawah percobaan Institut Pertanian Bogor, Desa Cikarawang Kecamatan Dramaga Kabupaten Bogor Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan setelah pelumpuran dengan perlakuan metode pelumpuran satu tahap maupun dua tahap terjadi penurunan nilai dry bulk density, peningkatan nilai porositas, dan peningkatan nilai kadar air. Pertumbuhan tanaman padi setelah 60 HST dengan perlakuan metode pelumpuran satu tahap bobot biomassa keringnya 109,84 gram/rumpun, tinggi tanaman 119,76 cm, dan panjang akar 28,40 cm dengan nilai IP sebesar 70,07 % . Pertumbuhan tanaman padi setelah 60 HST dengan perlakuan metode pelumpuran dua tahap 104,20 gram/rumpun, tinggi tanaman 113,78 cm, dan panjang akar 26,36 cm dengan nilai IP sebesar 60,06
dc.description.abstractSoil puddling is soil tilling activities by mixing soil and water to produce mud. There are two puddling methods commonly used by farmers, namely one-stage puddling method and two-stage puddling method. The purpose of this research is to analyze the physical properties of the soil resulting from the two commonly used puddling methods and to analyze the effect of the puddling method on the growth of rice plants. The research was carried out in experimental rice fields, Bogor Agricultural University, Cikarawang Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency, West Java. The results showed that after puddling with the one-stage or two-stage method there was a decrease in the value of dry bulk density, increased porosity value, and increased water content value.The growth of rice plants after 60 DAP with the one-stage puddling method had a dry biomass weight of 109.84 grams/clump, plant height 119.76 cm, and root length 28.40 cm with an IP value of 70.07%. The growth of rice plants after 60 DAP with the two-stage puddling method was 104.20 grams/clump, plant height was 113.78 cm, and root length was 26.36 cm with an IP value of
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Metode Pelumpuran dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sifat Fisik Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa L.)id
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Soil Puddling Method and The Effect to Soil Physical Properties and Growth of Rice Crops (Oryza sativa L.)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordrice growthid
dc.subject.keywordsoil physical propertiesid
dc.subject.keywordsoil puddling methodid

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