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dc.contributor.advisorTaufik, Epi
dc.contributor.advisorAtabany, Afton
dc.contributor.authorMaulidina, Agil
dc.description.abstractKoperasi Peternak Sapi Bandung Utara (KPSBU) merupakan koperasi primer tunggal usaha di Lembang berperan sebagai wadah bagi peternak sapi perah di kawasan tersebut dalam memproduksi susu segar berkualitas untuk disalurkan menuju ke pelanggan yaitu PT X, PT Y dan konsumen langsung. Penyaluran susu segar ke pelanggan merupakan pergerakan produk keluar dari pabrik menuju konsumen atau disebut outbound logistik. Aktivitas selama proses outbound logistik merupakan aktivitas primer yang perlu diperhatikan kinerjanya dan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja outbound logistik susu segar di KPSBU Lembang dan kualitas susu segar selama proses outbound logistik. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja outbound logistik susu segar adalah supply chain operation reference-analytical hierarchy process (SCOR-AHP). Pengujian kualitas susu segar meliputi kandungan total bahan kering, protein, lemak, pH, berat jenis dan total jumlah bakteri. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kinerja outbond logistik susu segar di KPSBU Lembang yaitu 90,20% (good). Kualitas susu segar selama proses outbound logistik telah memenuhi standar mutu yang diminta pelanggan dan SNI
dc.description.abstractNorth Bandung Cattle Farmer Cooperative (KPSBU) is the single primary cooperative business in Lembang which acts as a forum for dairy farmers in that area to produce quality fresh milk to be distributed to customers. The fresh milk was sold to PT X, PT Y and direct selling to consumers. Distribution of fresh milk to customers is the movement of products out of the factory to consumers, it is called as outbound logistics. The activities during the outbound logistics process mentioned as primary activities that needs attention to their performance and quality of the product. This study was aimed to analyze the performance of the outbound logistics of fresh milk at KPSBU Lembang and quality of fresh milk during the outbound logistics process. The supply chain operation reference-analytical hierarchy process (SCOR-AHP) method was used to analyze the logistics performance. The quality of fresh milk observed included total solid, protein, fat, pH, specific gravity and total plate count. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the performance of outbound logistics of fresh milk at KPSBU Lembang fell into the good category (90,20%). The quality of fresh milk during the outbound logistics process from cooperative to the dairy industry and direct consumers was met the quality standards of customer demand and SNI
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Kinerja Outbound Logistik Susu Segar di Koperasi Peternak Sapi Bandung Utara (KPSBU) Lembangid
dc.title.alternativePerformance Analysis of Fresh Milk Outbound Logistics at North Bandung Cattle Farmer Cooperative, Lembangid
dc.subject.keywordkinerja outbound logistikid
dc.subject.keywordnilai tambahid
dc.subject.keywordsusu segarid
dc.subject.keywordfresh milkid
dc.subject.keywordoutbound logistics performanceid
dc.subject.keywordvalue addedid

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