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dc.contributor.advisorTaufik, Epi
dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Zakiah
dc.contributor.authorAlfira, Irine Suci
dc.description.abstractSeiring dengan berjalannya waktu, massa otot dan kekuatan otot manusia akan menurun, dan kondisi ini dipercepat setelah memasuki umur 65 tahun. Melemahnya otot-otot rangka, atau dikenal dengan istilah „Sarcopenia‟, akan membuat lansia kesulitan untuk beraktivitas, beresiko patah tulang, bahkan kematian. Asupan protein sangat penting untuk mencegah dan mengobati sarcopenia, salah satu sumber protein terbaik adalah whey protein (WP). Studi ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh konsumsi WP terhadap massa otot penderita sarcopenia dan menerangkan peran WP dalam mekanisme pembentukan otot serta faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Desain penelitian ini berupa studi literatur, dengan analisis data menggunakan metode kualitatif systematic review. WP meningkatkan sintesis protein otot (MPS) dan anabolisme otot, dengan kata lain, WP mampu meningkatkan massa otot lansia penderita sarcopenia. Asam amino rantai cabang (BCAAs) dan asam amino (AA) lainnya dalam WP merupakan kunci dalam pengaktifan mTOR dan sintesis protein otot melalui jalur sinyal GATOR-2 – Reg A/B dan Reg C/D - mTOR- P70S6K dan 4EBP. Konsumsi WP diiringi dengan latihan beban (RT) memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap massa, kekuatan, dan kesehatan otot lansia penderita sarcopenia. Kata kunci: anabolisme otot, latihan beban, massa otot, sintesis protein otot, whey
dc.description.abstractOver time, human muscle mass and muscle strength will decrease, and the condition accelerates after entering the age of 65 years. Weakening of skeletal muscles, otherwise known as 'Sarcopenia', will make it difficult for the elderly to do activities, risk of fractures, even death. Protein intake is essential for preventing and treating sarcopenia, one of the best protein sources is whey protein (WP). This study was aimed to identify the influence of WP consumption on the muscle mass of sarcopenia sufferers, and explain the role of WP in the mechanism of muscle formation as well as the factors that affect it. The design of this research is a literature study, with data analysis using qualitative systematic review method. WP increases muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle anabolism, in other words, WP is able to increase the muscle mass of elderly sarcopenia sufferers. Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) and other amino acids (AA) in WP are key in the activation of mTOR and synthesis of muscle proteins through the signal pathways GATOR-2 – Reg A/B and Reg C/D - mTOR- P70S6K and 4EBP. WP consumption accompanied by resistance (weight) training (RT) gives a better influence on the mass, strength, and muscle health of elderly with sarcopenia. Keywords: muscle anabolism, muscle mass, muscle protein synthesis, resistance training, whey
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStudi literatur: Pengaruh Konsumsi Whey Protein terhadap Massa Otot Penderita Sarcopeniaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmuscle anabolismid
dc.subject.keywordmuscle massid
dc.subject.keywordmuscle protein synthesisid
dc.subject.keywordresistance trainingid
dc.subject.keywordwhey proteinid

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