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dc.contributor.advisorApriantini, Astari
dc.contributor.advisorSuryati, Tuti
dc.contributor.authorIndriani, Vivi
dc.description.abstractRendang adalah kuliner budaya Minangkabau yang dibuat dari daging yang dimasak dengan santan dan tambahan bumbu selama 4-6 jam menggunakan tungku kayu dan tempat yang semi tertutup, sehingga rendang berpotensi untuk tercemar kontaminasi dari lingkungan tempat produksi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi penerapan syarat dasar standar keamanan pangan yaitu GMP dan SSOP selama persiapan bahan hingga penyimpanan produk pada produsen rendang Istana Rendang Jambak. Data diambil berdasarkan observasi dan wawancara pekerja dan pemilik. Penilaian kesesuaian penerapan GMP di produsen rendang Istana Rendang Jambak memperoleh nilai 34,17%-85,00%, dengan nilai penyimpangan 213 dari nilai keseluruhan 468. Penilaian kesesuaian penerapan SSOP memperoleh nilai 0,00%-68,75%, dengan nilai penyimpangan 79 dari nilai keseluruhan 120. Istana Rendang Jambak cukup memenuhi prinsip-prinsip GMP, namun kurang memenuhi ketentuan FDA mengenai
dc.description.abstractRendang is a Minangkabau culinary culture made from meat cooked with coconut milk and additional spices for 4-6 hours using a wood stove and a semi-closed place so that rendang has the potential to be contaminated by contamination from the environment where it is produced. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of the basic requirements for food safety standards GMP and SSOP during the preparation of materials to storage of products at Istana Rendang Jambak. The data is taken based on observations and interviews of workers and owner. The assessment of the suitability of the application of GMP in the rendang producer of Istana Rendang Jambak obtained a value 34,17%-85,00%, with a deviation value of 213 from the overall value 468. The assessment of the suitability of the application of SSOP obtained a value 0,00%-68,75%, with a deviation value of 79 from the overall value 120. Istana Rendang Jambak is sufficient to meets the GMP principles, but does not meet FDA requirements regarding
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenerapan GMP dan SSOP dalam Proses Produksi Rendang Daging di Produsen Rendang Istana Rendang Jambakid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of GMP and SSOP in Production Process of Beef Rendang in Rendang Producer Istana Rendang Jambakid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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