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dc.contributor.advisorAtabany, Afton
dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Bagus Priyo
dc.contributor.authorRachmawanto, Muhammad Dimas
dc.description.abstractBerbagai faktor dapat mempengaruhi produksi susu, diantaranya adalah faktor populasi ternak pada satu peternakan, persentase laktasi, dan lingkungan. Evaluasi produktivitas sapi perah berdasarkan populasi, persentase laktasi, dan mikroklimat di Balai Pengembangan Ternak Sapi Perah dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTSP HPT) Cikole pada tahun 2017-2019 belum dilakukan, sehingga dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat hubungan populasi, persentase laktasi, dan mikroklimat yang berkaitan dengan suhu, kelembaban, curah hujan, dan Temperature Humidity Index (THI) terhadap produksi susu. Penelitian ini juga mengamati hubungan mikroklimat terhadap populasi dan persentase laktasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November-Desember 2020, bertempat BPTSP HPT Cikole, Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat. Data penelitian ini terdiri atas data populasi ternak sapi perah 111 ekor, catatan produksi susu yaitu produksi susu sapi perah FH yang dipelihara dari tahun 2017 sampai 2019. Data mikroklimat berupa suhu, kelembaban udara dan curah hujan pada tahun yang sama diperoleh dari Balai Penelitian Tanaman dan Sayuran (Balitsa) Cikole. Data diolah menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2016 dan data dianalisis secara deskriptif, regresi dan korelasi yang diuji menggunakan software Microsoft Excel 2016 dan SAS 9.2. Produktivitas peternakan di BPTSP HPT Cikole berdasarkan jumlah populasi, persentase laktasi dan produksi susu mengalami perubahan yang berfluktuasi pada periode 2017 sampai dengan 2019. Berdasarkan analisis regresi dan korelasi terdapat pengaruh yang nyata antara populasi dan persentase laktasi terhadap produksi susu dengan nilai R2 80,72% dan 84% hal ini dikarenakan meningkatnya populasi berarti terjadi kelahiran pedet sehingga ternak laktasi akan bertambah. Terdapat pula pengaruh yang nyata antara curah hujan dan kelembaban terhadap populasi dengan nilai R2 40,28% dan 33,36%, serta suhu dan curah hujan terhadap persentase laktasi dengan nilai R2 46,74% dan 78,08%. Hasil regresi dan korelasi pengaruh mikroklimat secara umum terhadap produksi susu tidak berpengaruh nyata sehingga dapat disimpulkan BPTSP HPT Cikole berhasil menanggulangi efek perubahan
dc.description.abstractVarious factors affected milk production, such as livestock population on one farm, proportion of lactation, and environment. Evaluation of dairy cattle productivity based on population, proportion of lactation, and microclimate at the Balai Pengembangan Ternak Sapi Perah Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTSP HPT) in 2017-2019 has yet been carried out, therefore a study was conducted to observe the relationship between population, the proportion of lactation and microclimate related to temperature, humidity, precipitation and Temperature Humidity Index (THI) on milk production. This study also considered the relationship of the microclimate to the population and proportion of lactation. This research was conducted in November-December 2020 at BPTSP HPT Cikole, Lembang, West Bandung Regency, West Java. This study's data consisted of 111 dairy population data, records of milk production, namely the production of FH dairy cattle, in which were collected from 2017 to 2019. Microclimate data in temperature, air humidity, precipitation and Temperature Humidity Index (THI) in the same year were obtained from the Balai Penelitian Tanaman dan Sayuran (Balitsa) Cikole. The data were processed using Microsoft Excel 2016, and the data were analyzed descriptively, regression and testing using Microsoft Excel 2016 and SAS 9.2 software. Livestock productivity in BPTSP HPT Cikole based on population size, the proportion of lactation and milk production has fluctuated from 2017 to 2019. Based on regression analysis and shows a significant effect between population and the proportion of lactation on milk production with a value of R2 80.72% and 84% of this occurs in the population, calf births lactation cattle will increase. There was also a significant effect between precipitation and humidity on the population with R2 values of 40.28% and 33.36% and temperature and precipitation proportion with an R2 value of 46.74% and 78.08%. The regression results and the effect of microclimate in general on milk production had no significant effect. It could be ignored that BPTSP HPT Cikole was successful in overcoming the effects of microclimate
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleProduktivitas Sapi Perah Friesian Holstein (FH) Berdasarkan Populasi, Persentase Laktasi dan Mikroklimat di BPTSP HPT Cikoleid
dc.title.alternativeProductivity Of Friesian Holstein Dairy Cattle Based on Population, Lactation Percentage and Microclimate in BPTSP HPT Cikoleid
dc.subject.keywordFriesian Holstein (FH)id
dc.subject.keywordlactation percentageid
dc.subject.keywordmilk productionid

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