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dc.contributor.advisorAstuti, Dewi Apri
dc.contributor.advisorKhotijah, Lilis
dc.contributor.authorArofah, Neneng
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi performa reproduksi induk domba lokal dengan manajemen flushing yang berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan 16 ekor domba betina beranak kedua kali dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok 4 x 4. Perlakuan terdiri P1 = Tanpa flushing, P2 = Flushing sebelum dan setelah kawin, P3 = Flushing sebelum dan setelah kawin serta tengah kebuntingan, P4 = Flushing sebelum dan setelah kawin, tengah serta akhir kebuntingan. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA, uji lanjut Duncan untuk peubah konsumsi nutrien, lama kebuntingan, bobot lahir anak, litter size, dan bobot induk beranak. Analisis deskriptif peubah persentase kebuntingan, tipe kelahiran dan uji chi-square (x2 ) peubah sex ratio. Hasil penelitian bahwa manajemen flushing yang berbeda sangat nyata meningkatkan konsumsi lemak (P<0,01), nyata meningkatkan TDN dan bobot induk beranak (P<0,05). Manajemen flushing yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap lama kebuntingan, total bobot lahir, litter size (P>0,05). Dapat disimpulkan P4 mampu memperbaiki performa reproduksi yaitu bobot induk beranak, persentase kebuntingan, tipe kelahiran kembar, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap lama kebuntingan, total bobot lahir anak, litter size dan sex ratioid
dc.description.abstractThis study was aimed to evaluate local ewes reproductive perfomance with different flushing management. This research used 16 second partus local ewes that were used a Randomized Block Design with 4 x 4. The treatments consisted of P1= without flushing, P2 = Flushing before and after mating, P3 = Flushing before and after mating, midle of pregnancy, P4 = Flushing before and after mating, midle of pregnancy and end of pregnancy. The data were analyzed by ANOVA for parameters nutrient consumption, pregnant periode, birth weight, litter size, and ewe weight at partus. Duncan test if data significant difference. Analyzed descriptively for parameter pregnancy, type of birth and chi-square test for parameter sex ratio. The result showed all treatment did not affected to total birth weight, litter size and pregnant periode (P>0,05). Different flushing management significantly increased consumption of crude fat (P<0,01), TDN, ewe weight at partus(P<0,05). This study concluded that P4 could improve performance reproductive in ewe weight at partus, improve pregnancy and type of birth, but did not affected to total birth weight, littersize, pregnant periode and sex ratio offspringid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerforma Reproduksi Induk Domba Lokal dengan Manajemen Flushing yang Berbedaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordlocal ewesid
dc.subject.keywordmanagement flushingid
dc.subject.keywordperformance reproductiveid
dc.subject.keywordlocal ewesid
dc.subject.keywordmanagement flushingid
dc.subject.keywordperformance reproductiveid

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