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dc.contributor.advisorMandang, Tineke
dc.contributor.authorMahfud, Sahal
dc.description.abstractReplanting activities in oil palm plantations are carried out to replace old and unproductive plants. The purpose of replanting is to increase fruit productivity and also to make the harvest process easier. Replanting methods have been widely developed, including under planting methods and chipping methods. However, with this method a problem arises, namely the development of oil palm stem pests (horn beetles) on the stem after hitting. For this reason, replanting activities require other methods which include the felling and shredding of oil palm trunks. One tool that has been developed for this activity is the Bucket Mulcher tool, which has a dual function, which is to fell trees and shredd oil palm trunks into powder. Palm oil stem powder can be used as mulch in oil palm plantations. This study aims to analyze the design parameters, performance tests, and design evaluations of Bucket Mulcher.The results showed that oil palm plants that are more than 20 years old have an average stem diameter of 0,6 m with a height of 16,02 m. The performance test results show that the best method for felling and shredding oil palm stems is the Push Tree method. Mulcher Bucket Capacity 141,26 kg / minute with 6,02 liters of fuel consumption for each tree. The area of mulch covering the ground is 131,29 m2 with a peak of 0,7 m. Based on the measurement results and technical analysis calculation the diameter of the counter cylinder shaft is 48 mm and uses a rotating belt for transmission with the type T10 with a belt length of 161 cm and a Bucket Mulcher power requirement of 45,76 kW. These data indicate that the Bucket Mulcher is suitable for use but still needs improvement. The wear rate of Bucket Mulcher knife teeth is on average 0,453 grams per hour with material made of Tungsten Carbide. The rate of wear is influenced by silica content, moisture content, and specific gravity of oil palm stems. The Mulcher Bucket Framework uses a Hardox 500 steel plate 11,8 mm
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Desain dan Kinerja Bucket Mulcher untuk Penumbangan dan Pencacahan Batang Kelapa
dc.title.alternativeDesign Evaluation and Performance of the Bucket Mulcher for the Felling and Shredding of Oil Palm Stemsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordBucket Mulcherid
dc.subject.keywordhorn beetlesid
dc.subject.keywordoil palm stemsid
dc.subject.keywordperformance testid
dc.subject.keywordand technical analysisid

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