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dc.contributor.advisorSolahudin, Mohamad
dc.contributor.authorIkbaar, Salmaa Dillah
dc.description.abstractProduk pertanian yang memiliki luas panen tertinggi di Kecamatan Dramaga adalah ubi jalar. Ubi jalar telah diproduksi menjadi beberapa produk turunan, yaitu muffin ubi jalar, brownies ubi jalar, dan keripik daun ubi jalar. Salah satu permasalahan yang ada adalah belum dilakukannya analisis finansial usaha oleh para pelaku usaha mikro kecil (UMK) produk turunan ubi jalar karena kurangnya pengetahuan pelaku UMK terhadap pentingnya analisis finansial usaha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun aplikasi kelayakan finansial usaha produk turunan ubi jalar berbasis Android yang dapat membantu pelaku UMK produk turunan ubi jalar dalam melakukan analisis finansial usaha. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah laptop, telpon seluler, Java Development Kit, Android Studio, DB Browser, Microsoft Excel, dan Google Chrome. Metode penelitian mengacu pada metode System Developmet Life Cycle yang terdiri dari investigasi sistem, analisis sistem, desain sistem aplikasi, implementasi sistem aplikasi, dan pemeliharaan sistem aplikasi. Hasil penelitian adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat menghitung net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, biaya pokok produksi, memberikan informasi kelayakan usaha, dan saran untuk usaha. Tingkat error aplikasi sebesar 5.09%. Kata kunci : analisis finansial, pemrograman android, produk turunan ubi jalar, usaha mikro kecilid
dc.description.abstractAgricultural product that has the highest harvested area in Dramaga is sweet potato. Sweet potato has been processed into various derivative products, such as sweet potato muffin, sweet potato brownies, and sweet potato leaf chips. One of the problems is the financial analysis has not been done by the micro small entrepreneurs of sweet potato derivative products because of their lack of knowledge about the importance of financial analysis calculation. The purpose of the research is to design the business financial analysis application for sweet potato products based on Android that can help the micro small entrepreneurs of sweet potato products to do business financial analysis of their businesses. Tools and materials that used in the research are laptop, mobile phone, Java Development Kit, Android Studio, DB Browser, Microsoft Excel, and Google Chrome. The research referred to the system development life cycle which consists of system investigation, system analysis, design of application system, and system maintenance. The result of the research is an application that can calculate net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, cost of good manufactured, feasibility information, and suggestions for the business. The error rate of the application is 5.09%. Key words : android programming, derivative products of sweet potato, financial analysis, micro small enterpriseid
dc.publisherIPB Univesityid
dc.titleRancang Bangun Aplikasi Kelayakan Usaha Produk Turunan Ubi Jalar Berbasis Androidid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordandroid programmingid
dc.subject.keywordderivative products of sweet potatoid
dc.subject.keywordfinancial analysisid
dc.subject.keywordmicro small enterpriseid

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