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dc.contributor.advisorSuharti, Sri
dc.contributor.authorAndini, Rahmita Yulia
dc.description.abstractTujuan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi status mineral rusa totol di lingkungan Istana Kepresidenan Bogor dan melalui analisa status mineral (Ca, P, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu dan Pb) di tanah, pakan dan rambut rusa. Rambut merupakan tempat terakumulasinya mineral terutama logam berat pada tubuh selain hati, ginjal, kuku dan jaringan adiposa. Analisis rambut dikoleksi dari 15 ekor rusa jantan yang dipilih secara acak dengan usia ±2.5 – 6 tahun. Tanah yang dikoleksi dari sepuluh titik, contoh rumput diperoleh melalui cuplikan dari beberapa titik lahan penggembalaan. Kadar mineral tanah, pakan dan rambut rusa di analisa menggunakan Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometry (AAS). Kadar mineral menunjukkan Ca dan P pada tanah sangat rendah, kadar mineral Fe dan Pb tinggi sedangkan mineral Mn, Zn dan Cu tanah dalam kisaran normal. Pada rumput lapang, kadar mineral Ca, P, Cu dan Zn tergolong rendah dan belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan rusa, kadar mineral Fe dan Mn tinggi melebihi kebutuhan rusa totol. Mineral Ca, P, dan Cu dapat dipenuhi dari pakan konsentrat sedangkan Zn dapat dipenuhi melalui suplementasi mineral blok. Kadar mineral Pb rumput 0.94 ppm masih dalam batas normal. Kadar Mineral Ca, Fe dan Mn pada rambut rusa tergolong tinggi, namun kadar Zn dan Cu rambut rendah (P<0.01). Tingginya kadar Pb rambut diduga terjadi oleh akumulasi Pb dalam jangka waktu
dc.description.abstractThe research was to evaluate the mineral status of spotted deer in the Bogor Presidential Palace and through the analysis of mineral status (Ca, P, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Pb) in soil, feed and deer hair. Hair is a place of accumulation of minerals, especially heavy metals in the body, apart from the liver, kidneys, nails and adipose tissue. Hair analysis was collected from 15 male deer that were randomLy selected with an age of ± 2.5 - 6 years. Soil is collected from ten points, grass samples obtained by sampling from several points of grazing land. Soil mineral content, forage and deer hair were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometry (AAS). The mineral content shows that Ca and P in the soil are very low, the levels of Fe and Pb minerals are high, while the minerals Mn, Zn and Cu are in the normal range. In field grass, the mineral content of Ca, P, Cu and Zn is low and has not been able require mineral needed of deer, high levels of Fe and Mn minerals exceed the needs of spotted deer. Minerals Ca, P, and Cu can be fulfilled from concentrate feed while Zn can be fulfilled through mineral block supplementation. The grass Pb mineral content of 0.94 ppm is still within normal limits. Mineral Ca, Fe and Mn levels in deer hair were high, but Zn and Cu levels in hair were low (P <0.01). The high level of hair lead is thought to be caused by long-term Pb
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStatus Nutrisi Mineral Rusa Totol (Axis axis) Di Lingkungan Istana Kepresidenan Bogorid
dc.subject.keywordBogor Palaceid
dc.subject.keywordMineral statusid
dc.subject.keywordspotted deerid

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