Efektivitas Pemberian Plantarisin dalam Ransum sebagai Feed Additive terhadap Performa Ayam Broiler
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Pahlevi, Muhammad Jordy Andrian
Mutia, Rita
Hermana, Widya
Show full item recordAbstract
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penggunaan plantarisin sebagai alternatif Antibiotic Growth Promotor terhadap performa ayam broiler. Ternak yang digunakan adalah ayam broiler jantan strain New Lohmann (MB 202) sebanyak 280 ekor. Penelitian dilakukan selama 5 minggu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah P0: Ransum Kontrol (ransum tanpa penambahan plantarisin), N1: Ransum Kontrol + Plantarisin Native 0.05%, N2: Ransum Kontrol + Plantarisin Native 0.10%, N3: Ransum Kontrol + Plantarisin Native 0.15%, R1: Ransum Kontrol + Plantarisin Rekombinan 0.05%, R2: Ransum Kontrol + Plantarisin Rekombinan 0.10% dan R3: Ransum Kontrol + Plantarisin Rekombinan 0.15%. Peubah yang diamati ialah konsumsi ransum, bobot badan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi ransum dan mortalitas ayam broiler. Disimpulkan bahwa penambahan plantarisin sebagai feed additive tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap konsumsi ransum, bobot badan, pertambahan bobot badan dan konversi ransum. Mortalitas ayam selama penelitian relatif tinggi, yaitu 10% dari populasi ayam yang dipelihara.
Kata kunci: antibiotik, broiler, performa, plantarisin
MUHAMMAD JORDY ANDRIAN PAHLEVI. Effectiveness of Plantaricin Addition as Feed Additive in the Diet on Performance of Broiler Chicken. Supervised RITA MUTIA and WIDYA HERMANA.
This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of plantaricin as an alternative to the use of Antibiotic Growth Promotor in feed to the performance of broiler chickens. This study used 280 male New Lohmann (MB 202) broiler chickens with completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 7 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were P0: Control (ration without addition of Plantaricin), N1: P0 + Plantaricin Native 0.05%, N2: P0 + Plantaricin Native 0.10%, N3: P0 + Plantaricin Native 0.15%, R1: P0 + Plantaricin Rekombinan 0.05%, R2: P0 + Plantaricin Rekombinan 0.10% and R3: P0 + Plantaricin Rekombinan 0.15%. The variables observed were feed consumption, body weight, body weight gain, feed conversion and broiler mortality. It concluded that the addition of plantaricin as a feed additive did not influence feed consumption, body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. Chicken mortality during the research was relatively high, ie 10% of the chicken population was maintained.