Pengaruh Penambahan Antibiotika pada Biositetis I-Lisin oleh Brevibacterium lactofermentum BL-1M76 di dalam Medium Molase
two kinds of antibiotics, penicillin G and polymixin B sulphate, were used to affect the biosynthesis of L-Lysine by Brevib-menturn BGlM76 in molasses medium. Selection of appropriate antibiotic concentrations wars carried out in two basal media ~~e and molasaes media) in 250 ml Erknmeyer flasks containing 25 ml medium. The antibiotic concentrations examined ranged from 100-6000 unita/l. The most euitubk antibiotic bencillin G) and the most appropricrte concentration (100 unitall) was applied to the ecaled up process in 21 capacity fermentor (Eyela M-100 fermentor) which resulted in Llyeine production of 35.18 g/l.