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dc.contributor.authorSudarso, Jojok
dc.description.abstractSaguling reservoir was cascade type reservoir that located in West Java, the reservoir have gotten degradation problem of water quality as result of organic, pesticide, and heavy metal pollution coming from antropogenic activity and also naturally. Existence of heavy metal in aquatic area has tendency for binding with particulate material as sediment compiler and has potency for bioavailable for aquatic biota. Therefore its required a research which integrated to express level of metal bioavailability which bound at sediment like ioning triad concept ( combine information from chemical analysis, community structure, and toxicity test). This research has been done in the year 2006 with aim to predict level of metal bioavailability Cu, Cd, Pb, and Hg in sediment using triad concept approach. Sediment Heavy metal contamination Result in each station showed heavy significant differences for Cd ( F= 17,803 and p = 0,00001), Pb ( F= 154,343 and p < 0,01), Cu ( F= 36,499, P<0,000001), and Hg ( F= 12,49 and p=0,00000). Elevation of Heavy metal contamination in sediemet usually is followed with disturbance of community structure for benthic macroinvertebrate and increasing of sediment toxicity status (Maroko, Cihaur, Cangkorah, Batujajar, and Nanjung station). At the others station existence of benthic macroinvertebrate community disturbance and height of sediment toxicity were caused by other factor besides heavy metal. Combined Result between triad radar graphs and multivariate analysis (PCA) indicated Cu, Hg, and Pb that have bioavailable potency in Saguling Reservoir. Statistically Cd has not enough evidence generating Hydra toxicity and disturbance of benthic macroinvertebrates community. Result of this research is a strategy to study bioavailability pollutant which binding in sediment for managing reservoir caused by exposure toxic materials in aquatic
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEvaluasi Kontaminasi Logam di Sedimen Dari Waduk Saguling Dengan Menggunakan Konsep Triad: Sebuah Pendekatan Dalam Pengelolaan Wadukid

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