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dc.contributor.advisorSobari, Moch. Prihatna
dc.contributor.advisorIskandar, Mokhammad Dahri
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research were to determine influence activity utilization yellow tail fish resources to biomass value, production and resources rente on actual condition, open access and sustainable; analyze allocation level optimal dynamic yellow tail fish in Kepulauan Seribu sea; determine profit and financial level of yellow tail fish. Survey and purposive sampling was used as the method of the research. Analyze the data using bio technique, bio economic, dynamic model fish resources, degradation, depreciation and financial analyze. The result showed that utilization of yellow tail fish resources on actual condition more bigger than management regime MEY, open access and MSY from standardization to muroami and fish trap. Yellow tail fish resources utilization in Kepulauan Seribu sea had been overfishing in the biology and economy manner. Discount rate 10%-18% for yellow tail fish resources from standardization to muroami resulting in biomass optimal value ranging from 604.05-631.23 ton. Optimal fish production yellow tail fish ranging from 529.14-531.73 ton while optimal effort ranging from 486-505 trip and optimal rente utilization yellow tail fish resources ranging from Rp17,357.02-Rp30,344.01 million so the number of recommendation fishing gears ranging from 130-135 unit whereas allocation optimal level from standardization to fish trap resulting in biomass value ranging from 20,229,982.45-23,367,432.46 ton. Optimal production yellow tail fish ranging from 7,927,098.07-8,336,259.03 ton, optimal effort of yellow tail fish ranging from 5,098-5,462 trip and optimal rente utilization yellow tail fish resources ranging from Rp270,892,356.96-Rp494,709,645.90 million so the number of recommendation fishing gears 440-484 unit and profit in muroami business is Rp384,751,272 per years and R/C value 1.09, the profit in fish trap business is Rp62,640,000 per years and R/C value 1.46. Based on criteria investment muroami business acquired NPV Rp8,980,639.293 whereas fish trap business acquired NPV Rp2,544,075.314 so the both of fishing gears suitable to implementable and amendable but very sensitive to change price BBM (kerosene and solar).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePola Rezim Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ikan Ekor Kuning di Kepulauan Seribuid
dc.subject.keywordManagement regime
dc.subject.keywordUtilization regime
dc.subject.keywordYellow tail fish
dc.subject.keywordSeribu island
dc.subject.keywordOptimal static
dc.subject.keywordOptimal dynamic
dc.subject.keywordAlat penangkapan ikan
dc.subject.keywordModel surplus produksi
dc.subject.keywordModel bio-ekonomi sumberdaya perikanan
dc.subject.keywordModel dinamik sumberdaya perikanan
dc.subject.keywordKoefisien degradasi dan depresiasi
dc.subject.keywordAnalisis finansial
dc.subject.keywordAnalisis sensitivitas

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