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dc.description.abstractThe small pelagic in North Maluku is highly potential, but the utilization has been not optimum due to low productivity of mini purse seine fishery. The objectives of the research are: 1) to determine relationship between production factors and mini purse seine fishing unit production; 2) to determine optimum mini purse seine fishing unit for maximum production and economic profit level in the utilization of small pelagic resources; and 3) to determine feasibility of mini purse seine fishery in North Maluku. Survey and observation methods were used in this research. Multiple regression analysis to analyze relationship between production factors with catch of fishing unit mini purse seine, production surplus method used on fish resources stock estimation, Gordon Schaefer model to analyze fishing bio-economic condition and financial analysis to analyze business revenue and feasibility. The result from multiple regression analysis showed the technical production factors that have significant effect to the fish production are number of labor, number of fishing days, mini purse seine height and mini purse seine length, otherwise factors that have not significant effect is boat size. The result from bio-economic analysis showed that exertion level of small pelagic resources using mini purse seine is almost optimum (MEY). The optimum catch for small pelagic is 20.781,87 tons per year with the optimum effort of 36.975 trips per year or equivalent with 205 mini purse seine units. Business and financial analysis of small pelagic fishing using mini purse seine showed BEP for production value per year of Rp 68.837.032,- and production volume per year of 28,89 tons. Value of NPV is Rp 453.157.157,- with IRR value of 47.23% and Net B/C value of 2.19 (more than 1), therefore mini purse seine in North Maluku is feasible to be
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
dc.titleAnalysis of mini purse seine Fishery Development based on Opt imization of Small Pelagic Resources In North Maluku Provinceid

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