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dc.contributor.advisorDjokosetiyanto, D.
dc.contributor.advisorAffandi, Ridwan
dc.contributor.authorTaqwa, Ferdinand Hukama
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research were to study the effect of potassium addition during salinity acclimatization from 25 ppt until 2 ppt and natural food substitution time by artificial diet after salinity acclimatization on performance of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae. The first experiment was done to determine optimal dosage of potassium which can increase survival and reduce stress level after salinity acclimatization. Animal test used was PL20 of white shrimp (0,001 g). Experimental design used was completely randomized design with four treatments and three replications of different potassium addition level to freshwater : 0 ppm (A), 25 ppm (B), 50 ppm (C) and 75 ppm (D). Dilution of salinity was done in gradual using freshwater during 4 days from 25 ppt to 2 ppt. The research of the second experiment was conducted to determine natural food substitution time by artificial diet after salinity acclimatization which can increase survival and growth. The densities of PL25 white shrimp were 20 PLs/50 liters of 2 ppt media. Design experiment was completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications of food substitution time by artificial diet at day : 1 (A), 7 (B), 14 (C), 21 (D) and full natural food without artificial diet (E) during 28 days rearing period. Artificial diet (40,71% of crude protein) and natural food frozen Chironomus sp (62,76% of crude protein) was used in this experiment. The result of the first experiment indicated that addition of 25 ppm potassium (potassium level in media was 51 ppm) increase survival, also reduce energy cost for osmoregulation and level of stress of PL24 after passing a period of salinity acclimatization during 4 days. The result of the second experiment showed that the use of artificial diet as soon as after salinity acclimatization (PL25) gives best performance production compared to which only that was given natural food Chironomus sp during experiment or with treatment by artificial diet substitution at day-7, day-14 or
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectNatural foodid
dc.subjectArtificial dietid
dc.subjectWhite shrimpid
dc.titlePengaruh Penambahan Kalium pada Masa Adaptasi Penurunan Salinitas dan Waktu Penggantian Pakan Alami oleh Pakan Buatan terhadap Performa Pascalarva Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei)id 2013-02-14 Edit: advisor, keyword
dc.subject.keywordLitopenaeus vannamei

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